Chapter 11 | When Beastly Is Too Kind a Word

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¡THIS IS NOT MY STORY! The story was make by nyxblack on


The mournful cry of the Augurey sounds through the open door to the basement below. Hermione can't make out what Newt's saying but she recognizes the calm and soothing tone he has as he addresses the bird, a soft smile pulling at her lips.

She's sure he has everything in hand, his assistant Bunty helping for the day, allowing Hermione to catch up on her reading.

It's not as though much reading is being done, mind you.  She thinks, head filled to the brim with questions, thoughts and memories.

She closes her book with a snap, a piece of yellow ribbon marking her place as she stretches her arms high above her head, soft linen sleeves brushing across her arms and the old scars decorating her skin. Brilliant whiskey coloured eyes taking in the messy state of the living room, before looking to the window, a thoughtful expression clouding her eyes as the first drops of rain begin to ping off the small panes of glass.

Hermione and Newt's relationship had been steadily developing despite all the setbacks and upsets recently. In fact, it had taken on a decidedly more physical qualities as of late. The pair just couldn't seem to keep their hands off one another, whether that be because of their unusual bond or just natural attraction and chemistry was anyone's guess.

I jumped him in front of a Kelpie for Merlin's sake. Hermione snorts, rubbing her tired eyes with the palms of her hands. Wisps of memory tugging at her senses.


With a strangled noise Hermione lunges, bodies meeting in a mess of limbs, fingers tangling in his reddish brown hair as their lips meet in a heated and much overdue kiss.

Neither giving much thought to their beastly audience as the now harmless Kelpie dives back into the deep, the black water receding with it.

The force of Hermione's spirited actions sending the pair stumbling back until with a noticeable thud and the sound of shattering glass they make contact with a long worktable.

"Bugg-" Hermione begins tearing her lips from Newts, eyes settling on the mess they've made of the worktable behind Newts lanky form. She's unable to finish the thought, a squeak of surprise tearing from her lips as Newt hoists her into hissurprisingly fit arms, pivoting slightly as hedeposits her firmly on the smooth surface of the table, his slim hips fit snugbetween her thighs.

They share a look, a gentle smile pulling at Newt's lips as a hint of irritation makes itself known in the corners of Hermione's eyes. He slides a hand along her Fabric clad thigh, fingers teasing a blazing trail.

"It's fine." He promises, voice low as his opposite hard slips beneath her chin, tilting it just right to lay a gentle kiss upon her adorable pout.

Slowly, they find their rhythm, lips moving in time with one another, embrace tender. Newt's long fingers tangling in Hermione's hair, mirroring her actions mere moments before, their kiss growing deeper, a dash of tongues and teeth as their embrace becomes heated.

Feeling emboldened by Newts complimentary response and his gentle teasing Hermione makes quick work of the buttons on his white button down, a heavy huff of air falling from her lips as they part momentarily to catch their breath. She marvels at the way the fabric clings to his skin, hands shaking as bit by bit she exposes his lightly freckled chest.

She admires the light spattering of strawberry blonde hair spread across his chest. Noting each and every scar, some new, others faded by time as she continues her descent, focus unwavering until with a triumphant noise she frees the last and final button.

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