Hurts Like Heaven

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Crowley took Castiel to heaven. How Crowley got up there, Cas wasn't sure. He wasn't sure whose heaven they were in. It looked like a court room. There were dozens of angels there. But it was the judge that caught his attention. He knew him.

"Chuck Shurley?" Chuck waved at him awkwardly.

"Hello, Castiel."

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh, so you've already met your daddy?" Crowley asked.

"I don't understand."

"Well, you see, I was proclaimed God by default. The angels all took a vote. Either wait for God, or choose the prophet. They picked me."

"So what's going on here, exactly?"

"Your trial." Crowley answered.


"Yes. It's time for you to testify your actions."

"Testify?" Cas was unbearably confused.

"Castiel," Chuck called. "According to the angels, what you've been doing with Dean is an act against G- er, me. I didn't want to do this, but the angels demanded it."

"An act against God? Loving a Winchester is an act against God?" Cas was more angry than confused now.

"Me, and apparently. Like I said, I didn't want to do this. So, sorry."

"You're sorry?" Cas repeated, unable to believe what he was hearing.

"So, here's what's going to happen," Crowley smirked, obviously enjoying himself. "You are going to get up there and testify. If the angels believe you are innocent, which will never happen, you walk free. If, no, when guilty, there's a little surprise for you."

"What happens if the verdict is guilty?" Cas asked through gritted teeth.

"Spoilers." Crowley chuckled. Cas didn't want to be here. He wanted to be with Dean. But he sacrificed himself to save him. He knew Crowley would've killed him. And he knew he would've killed himself before letting his hunter get hurt.

(A/N: So, yeah, I know next to nothing about courts and trials and things like that :/ This next chapter is probably gonna suck. If there are any lawyers reading this, HELP ME. I know nothing! So... yeah. See you next chapter!)

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