Trial Of The Century

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Cas had no idea what was going on. He'd never been to court before, he didn't know how it worked. He wished he did at that point. He wouldn't feel so clueless. Crowley was the "attorney of state", which confused him even more. And he was supposed to have a "defense attorney", but he didn't know what that meant either.
"Well, Cas, since none of the angels want to fight for your case, we'll just have to improvise." Crowley snapped his fingers and Sam appeared in the chair next to Cas. He looked confused, much like Cas.
"Cas, what's going on?" He asked.
"Apparently, I'm on trial. I don't know what that means, though."
"Seriously? You're kidding, right?" Cas looked at him.
"I don't kid, Sam." Sam looked up at Chuck with a look of shock.
"Chuck? What the hell are you doing here?" Chuck waved awkwardly.
"Hey, Sam. I'm the new God." Sam's face lost all expression.
"What?" Was all he could say.
"Alright, enough chit chat. Down to business." Crowley smirked at Sam, who in turn looked at him in disgust.
"Hello, Moose. Looks like it's time for you to put all that pre law knowledge to good use."
"What are you talking about?" Crowley rolled his eyes.
"You're the angel's attorney! Let's hope you're a good one."
"What is he on trial for?"
"For the same reason that tricky Trickster will be. Does the term 'angel food cake' mean anything to you?"
"He's on trial because of Dean? Seriously? That's ridiculous."
"To all the angels in here, so is their, shall we say, relationship."
"Don't worry. You'll get plenty of time to fight your cause when it's your turn." Sam looked back at Chuck.
"And you're just gonna go through with this?"
"I'm sorry, Sam. I have no other choice. So, uh, Crowley. I believe you are to present all of your evidence?"
"Evidence of what?" Sam mumbled. Crowley clearly heard him, and shot him a glare.
"Yes. My evidence that what has been going on between Winchester and angel is immoral, for lack of better word. Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe God, the one before you, was against human and angel relationships. If my memory serves me, his very words were, 'Angels are built to serve, not to love. If a human shall love an angel, they answer to me'. Or something roughly to that effect." He smirked near the end, knowing that he was off to a good start.
Cas already felt quite defeated, and they had barely started the trial. He thought that he and Dean were meant to be. Now he felt like such a fool.
"Is there anything else?" Chuck asked Crowley.
"I don't believe so."
"Sam, what are we supposed to do?" Cas asked quietly.
"Don't worry. I've got a plan. It might work. If not, well, let's just hope it does."
"Sam, do you have any evidence to support your case?" Chuck asked.
Sam mentally panicked. Evidence. Evidence?
"Uh... evidence. I, uh, I... don't... think so." Crowley chuckled quietly, knowing he was winning.
"I thought you said you had a plan?" Cas whispered.
"I do. Just trust me."
"I think it's time to call up witnesses." Chuck said. Now Sam could put his plan into action. Crowley called up his first witness. It was Meg.
"Meg?" Sam asked. Meg smirked.
"Well, well. It appears to be my lucky day. Finally, I get a break from purgatory." Sam was slightly surprised to hear her say that. Purgatory? Demons go there too?
"You're here to answer a few questions, love. Feel free to cooperate."
"Shoot. What do you wanna know?"
"How would you describe the relationship between Castiel and Dean?"
"They came out, didn't they?"
"Better believe it."
"Well, I always knew this day would come. Whenever I saw those two together, it's like they were a couple. The way they stood around each other, the way they looked at each other. But they were both too scared to admit their feelings. For different reasons, I'm sure."
"Whatever do you mean?"
"Well, I'm pretty sure Dean just didn't have the balls to do it. But Cas, I'm willing to bet he knew this would happen. That he'd have to face daddy." Crowley turned to look at Cas.
"Is it true, Cassie? Were you able to foresee this?"
"The thought did cross my mind, but I assumed it was my paranoia getting the best of me. Although, I never thought you would take it to such extremes."
Sam eventually got to enact his plan. His first witness.
"I'd like to call a Cupid to the stand."
This intrigued the angels and Crowley. Sam clearly had a trick up his sleeve.
"Sam, what're you doing?" Cas asked.
"You've just gotta trust me on this."
"Your honor, this is highly irregular." Crowley intervened.
"What isn't these days? I'll allow it. I'd like to see where this is going."
"Thanks Chuck. Or God. Or your honor. Or whatever." Sam cleared his throat awkwardly.
The Cupid appeared, and it just so happened to be one they knew. It was the Cupid they met when they were dealing with Famine, one of the Four Horsemen.
"Sam! Castiel! Never thought I'd see you again!" He smiled brightly.
"I'd like to ask you a few questions."
"Sure. Ask me anything."
"So, you are a Cupid, correct?"
"That's right."
"So you've dealt with numerous couples in your time?"
"I have."
"And is it safe to assume that some of these couples were... out of the ordinary? Like they might not be accepted in society?"
"You mean like a forbidden love, Romeo and Juliet deal?"
"In a manner of speaking, yes."
"Well, there were a few odd pairings. One couple in particular stands out. Way back in the day, there was this man and a woman who absolutely loathed each other. They were part of this family feud or whatever. Basically like Romeo and Juliet. But they were meant to love each other. So, you know, a little Cupid magic and, bingo! Perfect couple! I can't remember the girl's name, but the guy's name was definitely Fergus. Fergus Macleod."
This shocked the entire courtroom. Crowley most of all.
"Uh, no more questions." Sam stammered. This took an unexpected turn. He sat back down next to Cas, and the Cupid was gone.
"Was that part of your plan?" Cas asked.
"Not at all. I'm just as surprised as you."
"Does this help our case?"
"It just might."
They continued to call up witnesses until Sam came up with another little plan.
"I'd like to call Castiel to the stand." Cas was caught off guard and nearly yelped when Sam said his name.
"Don't worry. It'll be fine. Now get up there," Cas hesitantly did as he was told. Sam proceeded to ask him questions. "So, Cas, how long have you had feelings for Dean?"
"Ever since I met him. But I was afraid to express my emotions. I was afraid of rejection."
"And Dean obviously loves you back?"
"Yes, that much is clear."
"And in this relationship, had anyone... gotten hurt?"
"No." Cas wasn't sure where Sam was going with this.
"And nothing bad has happened because of the relationship?"
"Not to my knowledge."
"I don't know about you, but I see no reason for interference. If no harm has come because of you and Dean being together, what's the point?"
"Objection!" Crowley yelled. This was his fourth objection so far.
"Overruled." Chuck sighed. Crowley looked quite defeated. Cas glanced at the jury. They didn't seem convinced of his innocence. He wasn't sure how to convince them. He thought for a moment, then stood up.
"I object to this whole trial!" He yelled.
"Cas, what the hell are you doing?" Sam hissed. Cas looked down at him.
"You've just gotta trust me on this," He looked out to the crowd of angels. "Look, I know you all hate me, but the least you can do is hear me out. If there is one thing that confuses me more than anything, it's love. It's the strongest feeling there is. And with Dean, that strength is augmented a great deal. Until I met him, I felt so lost. So confused. So lonely. And then I was given the order to raise him from perdition. And let me tell you something. That was the best damn thing I've ever done. Why should we completely abolish love between angels and humans? It is unjust. If loving Dean Winchester is wrong, then I don't want to be right. You can do whatever you want to me. Chain me up, torture me, do things that would make even Lucifer cringe. But it will never change how I feel about that man. My love for him will never falter. Never fade. Never die. And if you can't except that, then... tough. Because Dean is the man I care about."
He looked to Sam at the end, who was smiling. The only one who didn't look at all moved was Crowley. He just looked defeated. Chuck cleared his throat, obviously the most moved of all.
"Okay, um, I believe it's time for a verdict." But before they could get any further, Sam spoke up.
"Wait! Your honor, I believe I have a piece of evidence that could rest this case."
(A/N: SORRY ABOUT THE SLOW UPDATING!! PLEASE DON'T SHIV ME!! And no, I'm not telling you what the evidence is yet. You'll have to wait for that. Hopefully you won't have to wait for another two years like Sherlock seasons. Okay, see you next chapter!)

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