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Everyone around broke the kiss and resumed partying, but we didn't. Tom kissed deeper and I reciprocated. I put my hand on the back of his neck and pressed his body closer to mine, wanting more. He pulled away from the kiss and took my hand, leading me upstairs. We entered an empty bedroom and Tom closed the door locking it before he kissed me once again, a little tougher than before.

I stepped back and my back was pressed against the door. Tom stopped kissing my mouth and trailed kisses from my earlobe to my collarbone, sucking on the skin, no doubt leaving a mark. "Tom," I breathed and he stopped. "Is this okay?" He asked, his face full of concern and wanting. "Keep going," I chastely kissed his lips and he grinned before his fingers reached the hem of my shirt, pulling it off of me.

He started to kiss my collarbone and chest, leaving hickeys wherever he saw fit. I felt him hook his thumbs around the hem of my leggings and he asked if he could take them off. I nodded sluggishly and felt the cool air hit my legs as Tom pulled them off. He was on the floor, his face to my thighs. He then began to kiss my thighs, with each kiss he grew closer to my sex. Tom then stopped when he reached there and he stood straight up, taking my mouth with his once again.

His hands wrapped around the small of my back and then gripped my ass for a moment. He moaned into the kiss and started kissing my neck once again, whispering in my ear, "You're so beautiful, Kennedy."

Tom lifted me up and carried me to the nearby bed. He dropped me and fell on top, taking control of the moment (even though I was already under his spell). He unhooked my bra and tossed it across the room before kissing my breasts. Tom's mouth then latched on to my nipple and started sucking, eliciting a moan from me.

Tom let go of my nipple as his hand reached into my underwear and started rubbing my clit. I tried to be quiet but I couldn't help but moan at the feelings of euphoria. Tom shut me up with a kiss and whispered, "I don't want anyone else hearing how I make you feel." I smiled lazily and arched my back as another feeling of pleasure struck. Suddenly, he stopped what he was doing and I let out a tiny whine.

I watched as he took my underwear off with his mouth. He never broke eye contact with me as he did it and I was in a trance. This boy was going to be the death of me. I loved him so much.

He stood up drunkenly and unzipped his pants, but not before pulling out a condom. He looked at me concerned before he asked, "Do you want to do this?" I sat up and pondered his question for a moment. I was drunk, he was drunk, this was an inebriated decision to make. This was also my virginity I was talking about. If I said yes, I would be having sex with my best friend and destroying all the walls I had built within the last six months. However, sober me could have made a different call, drunk me was in control.

I nodded and smiled, "Do your worst, Holland." Tom went from concerned and horny to boyish within seconds. He reciprocated my smile as he laughed and said, "I love you so much, Stewart." He put the condom on, fumbling once or twice, and then positioned himself above me before entering me.

It hurt like a bitch, but I expected the pain. I winced and Tom noticed and stopped. "Keep going," I told him, "I'll get used to it." And I did. As he continued, the pain faded away and was replaced with the euphoria I had known before. "Faster," my voice was soft when I said it, but Tom heard and complied. I began to moan once again, not being able to stop, calling out Tom's name every once in a while. He kept getting faster and rougher, he was probably about to come, but I loved it. I loved how good it felt, I loved the noises he made in my ear, the garbled sentences. I loved him.

He came and pulled out of me, high from the endorphins. I was still on the verge of climaxing, so I began to finish myself off ass he took the condom off and threw it in the trash can. He caught me rubbing my clit and he took my hand away, replacing it with his own. "That's my job," he said before finishing me off. I shook uncontrollably as I rode my orgasm, Tom holding me as I fell from my high.

I don't know exactly when we had fallen asleep, but I knew I fucked up the second I was awake. Sunlight peeked in through the curtains and there was a sudden knock on the bedroom door. I jolted up from the bed, remembering all the events from the night previous, desperately hoping it was a dream. I can't have had sex with Tom, it would ruin our friendship, it would ruin everything.

I looked over to my right and my suspicions were confirmed when I saw a sleeping Tom right next to me. He looked angelic as the narrow rays of sunlight shone on certain parts of his face. There was a strand of hair that fell in front of him and I placed it back behind his ear again.

The door knocked again and I was very aware of my naked state. I slithered out of the bed and grabbed all my clothes from the night previous, putting them on before opening the door, revealing Harrison's face.

"Kennedy, I didn't realize you slept over," he had sunglasses on blocking out the light that was also beginning to irritate me. "Uh..yeah, I didn't want to drive home so I stayed," I fumbled for my words. Harrison peeked in the room and saw the sleeping Tom before he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room, yanking my oncoming headache with me.

"Did you and Tom fuck?" He asked and I nodded. "Jesus, Kenny, I never took you for a superfreak haha!" I covered his mouth with my hand before I spoke. "Shhh! Harrison," I whisper yelled, "This wasn't supposed to happen. We weren't supposed to do this." Harrison rolled his eyes and took my hand off of his mouth, "Bullshit, Kennedy! This was supposed to happen since the day you guys met and you know it! What are you so scared of?"

It was a good question, what was I scared of? There were a million answers as I pondered it, but the one I gave Harrison was a shrug and a hopeless look to the floor, "Everything, I guess." "Well you only have to options after this. You can either face your fears and love that boy, or you can run," Harrison advised, "Just know that if you run, you might not ever be able to come back into his arms like last time." He then headed downstairs, leaving me to my devices.

I returned to the bedroom where Tom still lay asleep. A tear streamed down my eye as I realized I was making the wrong decision. Why was I so afraid to love him? We obviously had feelings for each other, but I would always end up abandoning them to stay unscathed. I leant over and kissed his forehead, a tear falling onto him as I did so. If I was reacting so horribly to leaving him, then why was I doing it in the first place?

I left the bedroom and grabbed my keys in the kitchen, avoiding Harrison's disappointed gaze as I did so. "You're making the wrong decision, Ken," he shouted at me. Before I closed the door, I agreed and replied, "I know." I shut the door and entered my car, allowing all my emotions to run rampant as I started the car and left the boy I loved.

Okay so I never write smut at all so there's a reason it was so shitty lol. Well my break's coming to an end pretty soon so if I don't finish this story by then, updates will probably be a little slower.

Don't forget to vote, comment, that good stuff.

~Not edited~

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