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         I looked in the mirror, watching how my dress fell right above my knee. Two arms wrapped around my waist as my mom pulled me in for a hug. "Today's the day, Kennedy," she kissed me cheek, "My baby girl's all grown up!" I turned from the mirror and we shared the tightest embrace ever. She wasn't ready for me to graduate and if I were honest, nor was I.

    I walked over to my closet, where my cap and gown hung and grabbed it. I had to be at the school by one and it was almost 12:50. Downstairs, there was a knock on our door and I scurried down to open it, revealing Tom's face. He was dressed in a white button down shirt and black dress pants, the sleeves of his shirt rolled to his elbows, making it tempting for me to fuck him right then and there.

    "Are you going to invite me in or..." He trailed off, looking at his surroundings dramatically. I rolled my eyes and moved aside, inviting him. "Thanks, princess," he said, pecking me on the lips. "Tom!" My mom came down the stairs and pulled him into a bear hug, "It's Graduation Day! How are you feeling?" "Like a superhero," he winked and my heart skipped a beat. "No fucking way!" I squealed, not hearing my mom chastise me for my language, "You got the part?"

    Tom beamed and nodded, "You're looking at Marvel's new Peter Parker!" I jumped up and down multiple times before actually wrapping my boyfriend up in my arms, kissing his face many times. "Woah woah woah!" He said, halting, "We can celebrate after we get our diplomas. Besides, I have another surprise for you." He grabbed my hand and took my cap and gown, leading me outside and into his car.

    The end of my high school years were bittersweet, to be honest. As I heard the valedictorian speak, I realized that I would never be able to laugh with Harrison and Yasmine everyday, or go to the beach after school during the summer. I realized that I was no longer a student at Little Valley, but instead, an alumnus. It also tore my heart to shreds when the sudden thought occurred that one day, the distance is going to be too much for Tom and I.

    Once the service was done and I was no longer apart of high school life anymore, the newly ordained graduates met outside, taking photos with family and friends. I took photos with my mom, my grandma, Levi, and of course, Harrison, Yasmine, and Tom. We were in our own separate group, conversing and laughing at whatever jokes were thrown at us, our hearts breaking on the inside as we all shared the secret that it was the last time we'd ever be as one group.

    There were some open houses that I was invited to after graduation, but I wanted to be with myself and my thoughts (and of course, Tom). As the sun beat down on us on the hazy June day, we listened to the radio, soaking the sunlight in. Every now and then, Tom would jump into the pool and cool down, but I stayed on the deck, preoccupied with so many things on my mind.

    I dozed off and had no idea that I did so until the radio turned off and Tom called my name. Opening my eyes, I looked down and saw him on one knee, holding the promise ring. "I know this looks like I'm proposing marriage, but I'm not," he smiled faintly, "However, I am proposing."

    "I want you to wear this ring and be reminded of our love, Kenny, and of the times we loved each other over the year. I want you to wear the ring and be reminded that distance is just a number, but emotions are what make us us. I'm proposing love. Will you be my lover for as long as we love one another?" Tom said, his voice shaking as he recited the words.

    I was in another world. Here was Tom Holland, the famed actor who I had never met a year ago, giving me a ring, asking me to be his lover. Here was the man I was absolutely head over heels with, on one knee, speaking my thoughts and giving my heart new life. Here was our love, in mortal form.

    A tear slipped from my eye and onto my leg, which was probably burnt from the sun. With both of my hands, I grabbed Tom's face and pulled him into one of the most emotional kisses we ever shared. We pulled away and shakingly, he put the ring on my finger. It was purple, my favorite color. On the outside, there were some words engraved on the band. "What does it say, Tom?" I asked, enamored with it.  "'Give me a year and you'll love me,'" he smiled, "From when we first met."

    It was a circle, the way we came together. June of last year, I was listening to the radio, alone and preoccupied about my senior year when my mom dragged me into the house and introduced me to the love of my life. Twelve months later, I was at the same place, listening to the same radio, with him right next to me. As I thought about our first meeting more, I had an epiphany. When Tom said to give us  a year, it wasn't a bet or some crazy wedding pact. It was a promise.

And that's it for 12 Months! Thank you for all that read it, voted, and commented. I love it when you guys interact with my writing, even if I'm not as active as I should be lol.

Anyway, it's been going to be a hectic month or two, so I'm probably not going to write anything huge, but I will be posting sporadically on my Celebrity Imagines book, so if you want more Tom Holland content, just DM me a request!

  I'll probably be back with another fic around March or April, so seeya!

Don't forget to vote, comment, that good stuff.

~Not edited~

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