Chapter Seven

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The trial was a simple affair, having been classified as military treason and high risk. Captain Mazaran's decision would be the sole and final. Dahlia was present, holding the ball she'd created from the memories contained in her mirror as evidence. Borreal, as head of investigation, was present along with Ravin as the captain who had captured him. Dahlia resolutely ignored him and didn't see him pay any particular attention to her. At least he was fully clothed this time.

Mazaran's first lieutenant held Macada, bound and gagged, while Traedon, as Borreal's officer, took notes for the investigation along with an official scribe from the courts.

Macada looked much the worse for wear. He'd been stripped, cleaned, and clothed but bruises showed above the collar of his rough shirt and he was in obvious pain. Dahlia imagined Ravin's order to keep him alive, but only just, had been enthusiastically followed with limited healing provided.

"Captain Ravin, report the circumstances under which you took this man into custody."

Ravin came forward, "My men found the prisoner with our soldier's body and the missing research journal. They brought him to me at which point the brand he currently bears appeared. He attacked them then attempted to flee. When more of my soldiers blocked him he issued a challenge to me, announcing himself as a lieutenant of the emperor's forces."

"Thank you, Captain Ravin." Mazaran nodded his head in acknowledgement and Ravin stepped back.

"Captain DeMorra, your evidence against this man, please," Mazaran's voice rang out through the hall.

Dahlia stepped forward, uncovering the glowing gold ball she had concealed beneath a black cloth. "Captain Mazaran, I set a trap with three-fold effect if it were to detect anyone with thoughts treasonous to our force and memories of a murder of a member of the force. It would first capture and record the person's mind at the time these memories were detected. Next it would bind the person to the ground. Then finally it would brand them to make identification easier."

"All of these happened. I've reviewed the prisoner's thoughts and memories and arranged them for you. The memories are straightforward and speak for themselves. There are two areas of concern for me. One, I cannot access the reason behind his treachery. Every time I attempted to access this component I encountered a strong psychic concealment. Second, he was able to fight off my binding surprisingly quickly. Given that he shows no other signs of exceptional mental ability I would like to express my opinion to you that he has someone who has aided him who does possess a strong ability."

Mazaran's face remained neutral though she knew she'd just given him the worst case scenario, an ally involved rather than an isolated spy.

"Thank you, Captain DeMorra, please present the memories you arranged."

Dahlia bowed her head, focused, and held the ball aloft. It began to run through Macada's thoughts and memories present at the time of Shann's death. They witnessed the shock he'd had when he found Shann with the research journal, though it was obvious to an outside observer that Shann didn't know the significance. They witnessed his panic, the importance of the journal, Shann's murder. They heard his treason echo from his mind. Then they watched Dahlia's attempts to approach the background memory of the motivation, the reason behind the journal's importance. They saw the wall appear and dissolve. Then the vision faded and the gold ball returned to emitting only a faint glow.

"This seems very conclusive," Mazaran intoned. "The prisoner is hereby branded as a traitor to be held indefinitely until he admits his guilt, reveals all, and asks for his sentence."

"Captain Borreal, you are authorized to use force to extract any information and to retain someone with the ability to divine truth from lies. Given the unknown quality of the work that has been done on his mind to conceal motives and enhance resistance I would ask Captain DeMorra to verify what you recover from him."

Captain Borreal bowed low, "Captain Mazaran, it will be done." He motioned to Traedon who placed the notes in his pocket and relieved Mazaran's lieutenant of the prisoner. Half carrying, half pushing Macada, he followed as Borreal swept out.

Mazaran inclined his head to Dahlia and Ravin, "Captains, thank you for your assistance in this matter. The trial is concluded and you are free to go."

Dahlia bowed and they left the room.

Ravin turned to her outside the building and bowed at the waist, a perfect gentleman. "Captain."

Then he turned and walked off towards his barracks, displaying a flash of his broad grin.

Dahlia covered her surprise and continued on. She'd expected him to say something, acknowledge his advances the previous day or even continue them. But it seemed the man had decided to be enigmatic. She decided not to worry about it. Why borrow trouble when it was sure to come soon enough?

She walked down the path, clearing her mind of what she'd witnessed and the worry she'd held that there was at least one other traitor in their midst. It was undoubtedly the worst case. It could just as readily been an outside agent that had worked on Macada's mind before he infiltrated their force.

Traedon appeared beside her. His soft footsteps masked by the noises of a summer night and they fell in step together.

"I could use something to wash the taste of that scene out of my mouth," he said.

"I had imagined you'd remain with your captain."

"He's left as well. He placed a guard with the instructions not to let the traitor sleep. He'll send people to start working on him tomorrow."

"What are you drinking?" she asked him.

Traedon smiled, "Whatever you like."

"Something strong."

"I have that."

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