Chapter Fifteen

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She was jarred awake by a ringing voice. A glance outside told her dawn hadn't broken yet. She jumped out of bed, collecting her sheath, axes, and boots, and dashed out of her room as the voice blared.

"All captains and barrack members: an enemy force has entered the barracks. Execute a sweep." In a sweep each barrack swept through the area between them and the next barrack down. In her case she'd head towards Barrack Nine, Kenny's barrack.

"The group was last reported attempting to escape towards the outer perimeter on the east side. They are suspected to have abducted the missing member of research. Take as many alive as possible. Our objective is to retrieve the abducted member and take at least one prisoner."

Dahlia met her troop in position and she led them at a breakneck but silent pace, spread between the circle of inner paths and the trees between the barracks and the outer wall. She focused on opening her senses to scan for anyone.

Minutes before she heard them she sensed two groups moving towards her. The one behind had Kenny's unmistakable presence. The one in front seemed to be from outside her forces.

"Together at my point," she called just loud enough. He barrack members fell in step behind her.

"Barrack Nine has someone on the run towards us. Be ready for them to make a break when they become aware of our presence. Genji, anticipate them breaking for the perimeter and be ready to cover them. Everyone else follow me and Lieutenant Sabir and prepare to work in Genji's cover. If they don't break towards you, Genji, follow fast."

Genji broke off from the group, heading diagonally in the trees. She slowed her pace slightly to give him time to get in place and run parallel.

She heard the group coming towards her a moment before they heard her group. She sprinted forward, Arreal keeping up with her. When the enemy force became aware of the new group descending on them they bolted. Half the group headed towards the perimeter while the rest of the members shot diagonally up and back, trying to get around Kenny's barrack. They moved faster than the first group, no longer masking their noise. They must have been trying to draw pursuit, giving the rest a chance to escape. Dahlia sensed a stronger presence from those members that, along with their increased speed, marked them as having ranked officer equivalents among them.

Kenny's barrack was in sight. She shouted, "Lieutenants run point after the group heading towards Genji, soldiers with them. Watch for Genji's cover! Ravin, over here!"

She heard Kenny bark, "You heard the captain, men. Go!"

Then he blurred and appeared in front of her.

Recovering quickly from his unexpectedly fast movement she shot out, "Ravin, can you catch us up with the second group?"

He nodded and turned. She swung onto his back and held on as he took off. She felt a pressure build underneath her as he pulled on his abilities and increased speed. She crouched tighter, making herself as small a target as possible as thin branches whipped by. The night flew past in a blur as he moved silently through the trees.

"We'll pick them off, force them to stop," she called against the rush.

She felt him nod in acknowledgement.

Within a minute they were closing in on the men. Kenny caught up to the first one on the edge of the group and knocked him down with a quick slash of his sword to the man's ribs before the soldier could even respond to their presence. He cried out as he fell and she felt the other soldiers turn their attention to her and Kenny. Realizing that the two captains could easily pick them off if they continued to run, the soldiers turned to face their assailants. Two leapt up to position themselves in the trees above the fight. They drew bows and trained arrows on Dahlia and Kenny. Dahlia threw herself off Kenny's back, rolling to one side as an arrow flew towards them and the men drew weapons.

Dahlia: A Novel of Dark DesireWhere stories live. Discover now