Hot Chocolate

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AU:: Normal Game Universe
Authors Note:: Sorry for not updating in forever y'all, I'm just not happy with what I've been writing and trying to edit my old writing does nothing to help. I hope y'all like this cute little thing I came up with tho. It's short but it's something.
Song:: Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood. (8D audio. Please listen with headphones it's fucking magicallllll.)

Nobody's POV
Todd sat near his kitchen window, watching the snow cover the ground below. Neil stood over the stove boiling some milk to make hot chocolate.

Todd had been studying all day for an upcoming exam, so a break from the stress was relieving. Neil has popped into his room earlier that day and asked Todd is he had wanted a break, and Todd gladly obliged. Shutting down his computer and following Neil into their small kitchen.

"Babe, your hot chocolate's done." Neil said from the kitchen, topping off the drink with a dash of cinnamon, just like Todd preferred.
"Coming." Todd lifted himself off of the couch and shuffled into the kitchen, happily grabbing the steaming mug.

The two boys plopped down onto the overstuffed couch, letting their bodies mold into the cushions. Todd leaned his head on Neil's shoulder as they sipped their hot chocolate. They sat there for a while, enjoying each other's presence on the chilly winter day.

"How's studying going?" Neil asked after a while, settling his hand over Todd's leg.
"Pretty good, just a little stressful. It'll be over soon though."
Neil nodded and turned his attention to tracing shapes on Todd's hand with his fingers, enjoying the feeling of his boyfriends soft skin. (That sounds creepy as hell lmao. Ignore that.)

"I'm so glad that we're here." Todd said.
"What do you mean?" Neil asked chuckling.
"I'm just glad to be out of Addison Apartments. That place isn't what I would call 'fun.' But most of all I'm glad I'm here with you. I'm just glad I get to experience these things with you. Anytime that I get to be with you, even if we aren't doing anything in particular, is enough for me."

Neil smiled and leaned his body into Todd's. "Awwwww, is my Todd getting all mushy with me?"
"Oh shut up. I try and be romantic and you just tease me about it." Todd laughed and punched Neil in the arm.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence Todd grabbed Neil's mug along with his and headed into the kitchen to do dishes. Neil followed behind like a lost puppy, hugging Todd from behind as he started with the dishes.
"Are you just gonna sit there or are you gonna help me?"

Neil laughed and started washing a plate. The warmth left behind from the hot chocolate left a comforting atmosphere. The faint smell of chocolate left lingering in the air. Todd bounced back and forth on his heels like he was dancing to some sort of music that wasn't there. Neil found this adorable, which almost made him want to do it himself. They continued this until all the dishes were all done and put away.

Todd smiled, satisfied that the giant pile of dishes had finally been done. He turned to Neil and grabbed his hand.
"Thank you for helping, but I should probably get back to studying for that exam."
Neil squeezed Todd's hands and pulled him closer to him. "Love, you've been studying all day. I've hardly seen you come out of that room all week! Can we at least watch a movie together or something? I want to see you."

Todd sighed when Neil stared at him with his puppy dog eyes. Something he just couldn't say no too.
"Fine, but if I fail I'm blaming you."

Neil laughed and headed towards the small closet where they kept their movies.
"What do you want to watch?"
"Anything works." Todd said as he sat back down on the couch, missing the warmth that the hot chocolate and Neil brought to him earlier.

Neil popped the CD into the CD player and sat down next to Todd.
"No popcorn?"
"Nah, I'm not hungry." Neil nodded and cuddled up next to Todd like earlier.
"What are we watching?" Todd asked.
"Some old Christmas movie that I found in the back of the closet."

Over the course of the movie the two boys moved closer together until Todd ended up in Neil's lap, Neil's arms wrapped around him.
Nearing the end of the film they both ended up falling asleep together, leaving Sal to find them cuddled together once he came back from class.

Authors Note:: So I finished this super late at night so if the conclusions is shitty that's why. Other than that I'm not to upset with this. Todd and Neil's relationship is slept on and honestly deserves more love so this is what I'm bringing to the table lmao.

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