Chapter Eight

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Bubblegums POV

I typed quickly on my laptop. I was so close to getting him out of that chamber, I could feel it. It seems that whenever I touch the small clear tubes connected to the chamber, the purple liquid begins to glow, and Marshall Lee becomes paler, this is what gumball meant by 'gives power to royals'. He steals the power from one royal to give to another. It all makes since now. He DNA locked it. I press several different buttons.

"Please insert Gumball DNA." it says blankly. I pull a piece of my gummy hair off and insert it into the machine, praying it will work.

"Access granted." the machine opens a holographic screen, several options open up.

Harden fluid mass, no. Increase nitrogen levels, nope. Drain fluid, hope this works.

I press the holographic button and the resin like liquid slowly begins draining out. Marshall slowly unfreezes himself, collapsing to the floor of the machine. Suddenly, he takes a ragged gasp of air and I smash open the glass door.

"Peppermint Butler! Get Doctor Ice Cream!" I yell frantically.

I examine Marshall. He is breathing but he is really pale.

"Marshall? Can you hear me?" I call lightly into his ears. He doesn't respond. I'm starting to wonder if this goop paralyzed him.

"Marshall, listen to me. (Your name) needs you. Stay alive for her." I plead, knowing that (your name) would be heartbroken if he died. Then something miraculous happened. Marshall passed out. I know that doesn't sound miraculous but, his heart started to beat. Marshall was undead. His heart didn't beat, or it wasn't supposed to. His grey skin started to turn paler, a very light olive, and he gasped for breath. He was alive, barely, but he was alive.

"Marshall, I can't believe this but, I think gumball took away your immortality. You're human."

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