Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Sophie stepped forward as the path of light dropped them off in a forest clearing. Light streamed through the leaves and branches that nearly covered the top of the clearing. But there Sophie could still see the glint of the Councillors' crystal castles in the distance. There was no mistaking the castles for anything else. The castles were so much more majestic than a Disneyland Castle like Cinderella's.

Sophie searched the clearing, her eyes finding the other Councillors standing among the trees and watching Bronte and Sophie as they walked closer to them. Councillor Emery moved out of the trees to meet them. Sophie wondered why she was there with a bunch of Councillors. What was going on? she thought.

Sophie stood there at the front of a half oval of Councillors, looking severely solemn and staid. Sophie met the stare of Oralie, who seemed especially sedate. A little unusual for Oralie. Usually, Oralie had a smile on her face. Sophie formed her mouth into a slight 'o' with a little frown. She was really confused and the nerves were starting to get to her. Sophie quickly made the decision to not say a word until one of the Councillors said something. It was already awkward enough. And most of the Councillors were complete strangers to her. She didn't know much about them, except for their name and their ability. Sophie's eyes flickered across all of the Councillors coming to rest on Bronte's, who gave her a small nod as he looked toward the Councillors.

"As Senior Councillor, some matters have come to my attention," Bronte began. "Some that we cannot ignore nor bypass. It seems that a few of you know of what I am talking about. And we are here today... to address those." He paused and glanced at Sophie. "Soon, the rest of Sophie's friends and the Black Swan will be here. We have some work to accomplish." Bronte bowed his head a little. "They must become... emissaries," he finished quietly.

Sophie gasped, spinning sharply to look Bronte directly in the eye. "Emissaries?"

Bronte nodded, his eyes casting a sense of seriousness beyond that of which Sophie had experienced. Sophie couldn't believe it. Emissaries at their age... that was quite an occurrence... the Council must have a strong need and reason for them to train as emissaries. Or maybe just desperate. Shock flowed throughout her as Sophie processed all of it. And what would be happening. She gulped and turned to Bronte. "When do we do start?"

"Right away," he answered bluntly.

Sophie's eyes widened. "Ok, then. But what about everyone else?"

Bronte laughed a little dryly. "You may have noticed Councillor Clarette isn't here. She was taking them for a joyride with some of her favorite animals. To keep them away until I said it was okay."

"Why keep them away?" Sophie asked confuzzled.

Bronte put his hand on Sophie's shoulder. "We needed you to be alone and keep you away from distractions. We need you completely focused. On this," he said pointing to the clearing surrounding them. "And what is coming. The enemy is near and so are we."

Sophie couldn't have been more confused than anyone else. That sentence had not cleared anything up. It left her in an even bigger cloud of confusion and wonder. She sighed. "I'm ready. Lets start."

Bronte nodded and called out to everyone to come closer. Sophie's eyes, now for the first time, noticed a bloated fellow standing on the edge of the clearing. Mr. Forkle. He stood there. Silently. Solemnly. And not seeming prepared for whatever was coming. Sophie's confusion sparked once more. Her face turning into a look of utmost daze and bewilderment.

The Councillors surrounded Sophie, forming a circle. Their hands were linked and their heads bowed. Their silvery Elven clothes were still and unmoving. Their linked hands stretched forth and out, raising upward toward the sky. Sophie watched in a little bit of a shock. She stood there like a statue only twisting or moving her head slightly to view what the Councillors were doing. Sophie gasped a ball of light formed over her head. What's that? she thought. She watched as it grew to cover the whole of the circle formed by the Councillors. Sophie felt a little overwhelmed; her mind was sensing strong mental energy coming from the Councillors. The ball of light slowly descended until it seemed it was inside Sophie. She gasped as sue was suddenly entranced into a memory.

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Intrusion: A KOTLC, HP, and PJO CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now