Ch 7: Going Home

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I was asleep when I heard someone open my door. I sat up. "Oh Hey Gabe." Gabe sat on my bed, and I looked at him. "What?" He looked at me then slid to the opposite side of my bed. "I'm in love with you, and Mari." I looked at him and slid under the covers. "Gabe.. I like you, but I don't love you. Mari loves you, alot." 

Gabe just looked at me then Went on top of me. "Lynne, please." He kissed me, and I didn't respond. I didn't want him kissing me. He woke me up from a REALLY good dream with Toby, if you catch my drift. His hands grabbed my wrists and held them down. "Gabe. Off." "No." My eyes widened, because in the background was Toby, his eyes blazing with jealousy and anger. 

He came to Gabe and pulled him off. I sat there stunned, and he scanned me over. "Are you okay? What did he do?" I pointed to my lips and Toby growled. "Gabe, I need to talk to you, now." He grabbed Gabe's arm and slammed the door; and I heard screaming. Bickering. Like Evan and Connor. They fought. 

I started having convulsions, and I covered my ears. I grabbed my iPod and turned on 'Always' by Panic! At The Disco and started singing along.

"It was always you, fallin for me. Now theres always time, calling for me. I'm the blinkin light at the end of the road. Blink back to let me know. I'm a fly thats trapped in a web, I'm thinking my spiders dead. Lonely, lonely little life. I could kid myself into thinking that I'm fine. It was always you, fallin for me. Now theres always time, calling for me. I'm the blinkin light at the end of the road. Blink back to let me know."

I paused it, and there was silence. Dead Silence. "Toby? Gabe?" I crawled out of bed and I opened the door. Standing there were all three of them, Toby, Gabe, and Mari gawking at me. "Your voice.. It's beautiful." Toby smiled and Gabe looked at Mari and Mari looked at Gabe. "Well, voice lessons paid off then."

I awoke around 9 AM and rolled over, straight on top of Toby, who was wide awake. ''Woah there.." Toby laughed out. He put up his hands in a surrendering postion. I rolled over, but doing that made me roll off the bed. "Ouch!" I rubbed my left hip, where I landed and Toby looked down. "You okay Brosiv?" I giggled and reached for his hand, and I pulled him down with me.

His body was against mine, and our noses were touching lightly. "So? What do you want to do since we're done here?" Toby said, teasing me with his eyes. That ain't working, not today anyway. "We are going to Florida." He lifted me up and put me in his arms. "What?" I looked at him and traced his lips with my finger, "I said, we are going to Florida."

I was driving the new car, well, not exactly new, but new to me. It was a 1969 Camero. Red with a black stripe on the left, white stripe on the right. Which if you watch Tobuscus, you would know the reference. Toby looked at me, and I looked at him. "So why Florida?" I shrugged and turned on the car. "Because, it's your home. Considering we might be together, it's my new home." He smiled that big goofy smile of his, and I smiled. "Dimple Time!"

He poked my dimples and I just brushed him off. "Jerk." He kissed my cheek and I giggled. "Don't Distract Me!" We were on Melrose when I made a sharp turn left. "Woah!" He held on to the door handle and screamed. "Wow Toby, Sissy's don't ride in Camero's." I laughed at him after stating this. Toby just clutched his shirt and then let go; His pupils not as dilated as before.

"Woah. You scared the crap out of me!" He half yelled, half choked, out at me. I just smiled and looked at the clock. 10:26 AM. I sighed. Time seems to fly by so slow when your life goes to shit.. but when your one salvation sits next to you having a minor heartattack, it flys straight through your window. You may one day be Nineteen, full of life and love, then the next day be Thirty, mother of four and married. I just couldn't grasp the fact that in Eleven Months, which flies right by, I'll be 20, and Toby will be 27.

Toby's eyes shifted to the sign that said, "Now Boarding, Seats A14-A18 on Flight 1522, on the way to Miami, Florida." He looked at me; His hand grasping mine and His thumb making circles on the side of my hand. "Are you sure about his Lynne?" He asked me in a cautious voice. It kind of bothered me that he had to ask cautiously. I wasn't going to rip his throat out. "Of Course. I've always wanted to go to Florida. I've only been to Michigan, where my grandparents live."

He just looked at me and smiled. How I wanted to kiss him. Gabe's kiss, wasn't even a kiss. I didn't want it. But Toby's, I just didn't want a kiss... I wanted him. Body and Soul. I was truly high, not with pot of course, but I was in a happy high. A high to were nothing.. Well, a very few things that can pull me out, and my grandparents were one of them.

"NOW BOARDING SEATS B2-B6!" A young blonde girl called out from behind the desk. Toby looked at me and smiled. "Florida here we come." He grabbed his bags and one of my own, considering I only had one. I grabbed his gym bag, which was only filled with clothes, and walked forward. "Lynne Dear!" As soon as I heard the voice, my happy high diminished. "Lynne." Toby asked me. "Aren't you going to answer." I shook my head and kept walking.

I got onto the plane with Toby, My happy high slowly coming back to place, when my grandparents showed up. "Why Lynne Dear!" My Grandmother said in her fake nice voice. "We tried calling you! Maybe we're staying in the same hotel!" I just looked out the window while Toby helped them with the overhead luggage. 

"Lynne! Who is this strapping young man?" My grandma gave him the Yum-Yum and I sneered. "My Boyfriend, thank you." I grabbed Toby's hand and I instantly knew he could feel the vibe coming from me and my grandma. "Well" Toby said with a laugh. "It was nice meeting you, but these aren't our seats." He threw the luggage into a compartment across the row an aisle down, and he dragged me over my grandparents legs. "Buh Bye."

"What is the matter with you?!" Toby angrily whispered at me. "She was giving you the Yum-Yum. And She's verbally abused me. I hate her." Toby cared, but the Yum-Yum thing cut him off completely. "Yum-Yum? What the bloop is a Yum-Yum?" 

He laughed silently and I explained. "It was a thing Mari and I made up." He looked at me with that pouty lip face and I giggled. "Anyway, it's when people look up and down your body, like this." I gave him the Yum-Yum. "Pretty much, your old grandma was checking me out." I nodded and his arm lifted to drape across my shoulders. "Well Lynnie Bear, you can give me the Yum-Yum anytime of day."

I burst out laughing and the older gentleman in front of us turned around. "Sorry." I whispered. "Welcome Aboard Flight 1522." said a higher pitched lady's voice. "We are pleased to annouce that on this flight. Seats B15-18 are winning a free glass of champagne from FRANCE!" Her voice made the intercom cry practically. "Who are the lucky seaters B15-18!?" Toby, the couple next to us, and I raised our hands. "Good thing we lied." Toby whispered to me. I put my left hand up to my mouth and giggled. "Ouch." I whispered. 

My arm was bruised up pretty badly; It still hurt to move in some positions. "Miss?" I looked up into the flight attendance's eyes. "I.D please?" I looked at Toby and he sighed. "Look, she's 19, but today's her birthday." He turned to wink at me. "So, just a glass is fine." "But Sir.." Toby held up a hand. "A glass for the birthday girl please." She smiled and brought two glasses, considering while massaging my arm, the couple next to us got theirs. 

We landed in Florida around, 6 PM. I was sleepy and very hungry. I didn't eat anything on the whole flight. "Honey? You awake?" Toby whispered while stroking my hair off my face. I hated when my mother did that. But Toby doing it was comforting. "Yeh." I yawned before ducking my head in between his shoulder and neck. "Lynne? We are here." I looked up and outside the window, straight into the heart of Miami. "Woah."

We reached the hotel and we looked at the bed when we went to the room. Toby and I looked at each other and then raised an eyebrow. I put down the bag I was carrying, and I ran and jumped for it. I skidded across it until I reached the side next to the window. "Did they gave us the Honeymoon suite or something?" Toby joked. "Let's hope no, because then We'd have a LONG trip ahead of us." Toby smiled, and I cuddled into his arms. 

I realized right then and there. It didn't matter where I was. In Miami, in Los Angeles, anywhere in the world would have felt strange and Foreign to me. But right here in Toby's arms... Right here.

This Was My Home.

Literal Love: A Toby 'Tobuscus' Turner Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now