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I slam his car door shut, sitting behind the wheel, my butt sinks into the seat and I laugh, I'm in Tommy Shelby's car, ready to drive it. My fingers run around the wheel, noting the beauty of it. I sit up straighter and grin, feeling powerful.

"No you're not," Thomas snaps, opening the door. "Get to the other side. You're not driving."

"Why?" I look at him before turning to the wheel. "Oh! I want to feel alive, Thomas!"

"You can feel alive while I drive."

Raising an eyebrow, I look at him and see just how tired he looks. I'm too much for him. I drop my hands from the wheel, wishing he was just as wild as I was.

Sometimes, I was too much for Luca but he'd end up with his hands wrapped around my little neck. Looking into my eyes as he told me to calm down. Calmati. He would hiss, seeing the rage in my eyes, I could see that I had the capabilities of scaring him. Calmati, Valentina.

"Am I too much for you?" I whisper, the way I would to Luca but with Thomas, I can breathe.

Luca would say yes, but Thomas says, "No." he swallows. "Just get to the passenger side,"

I do, taking his hand to escort me out of the vehicle before he walks me to the passenger side. My heels sink into the grass, but I manage to get myself safely inside.

He shuts the door, pushing his fingers through his hair. "What are you going to do without a guard?"

I smoke, tilting my head towards the beauty of the interior of the car. That's the least of my worries. What will I do, that's a stupid question. So rather than answering him, I reminisce of the days in Italy. "You know my father would like this car. He was a mechanic."

Thomas takes in the information. "I'm sure your parents raised a good girl."

"They did."

"What did you aspire to be?" He asks, turning his eyes to meet mine, 

"I never had my mind set on a profession, but, it was normal for women in New York to be nurses, especially with the war." I almost forget, "I was trained at an French military base for two weeks and saw all of these men come out looking like weak animals. It was gruelling. I couldn't stomach it so I quit, by then, Luca was back from his little vacation in Italy."


"You fought as a solider, correct?"

He nods stiff.

"Do you still wake up thinking you're still in the battle fields?"

"No, I was underground not on the fields much."

"Oh." I watch as he recoils. Refusing to let himself remember.

"Hm." I purr, rolling my eyes back as the tobacco slightly dizzies me. My throat burns. "So the woman who crying by you the day I shot Linda," I raid my brain for he name but seem to draw a blank. "The woman who was pregnant with your child."


"Yes, Lizzie." What a God awful name. These English people and their weak names. "Did you claim her yet, as your wife?"

"No," He shakes his head. "The baby's doing well, though."

"She's given birth?" I nearly gasp. "Oh that's absolutely wonderful. A little boy or girl?"

"A girl, Ruby's her name."

"Ruby?" I shake my head. What in the world are they doing naming a child Ruby? Christ. "Well, I'm happy for you."

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