Chapter 1: A Royal Surprise

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Serephina sat on a boulder washing her clothes with a metal scrub board by the river that ran near her home and small farm. She had been an orphan now for a few years but surprisingly was able to keep her family's farm productive and running. She was extremely proud that she had kept the farm, despite the doubt of the neighbors and townspeople who thought negatively about a lowly farm girl running her own farm.

Her chocolate brown eyes drifted up to the thick forest across the river, away from the navy blue dress she was washing on her scrub board. She frowned at the river which was quite low, due to drought at the source of the river. As she washed, Serephina daydreamed about her father and mother, dancing in their boat when the river was low, at times tipping it over into the shallow murky water. She cracked a smile at the heartwarming memory. Her loving family memory was rudely interrupted by the sound of heavy horse hoofs hitting the rocky ground which came from the forest on the other side of the river. Four black figures appeared at the edge of the woods riding on their horses. They showed no fear as they charged across the river, not a single horse stalling in objection to the water. Serephina, taking in the mammoth size of the sheer black horses, realized that it was royal horses that were heading toward her. She stumbled out of the way, leaving her bucket and dress where she had been. The four black hooded riders slowed their horses stopping in front of her in a half circle. Serephina stared up at them frightened, heart beating profusely.

"Look... we have terrified the poor girl, I told you the black hoods were not a good idea Varick!" The figure on the farthest right horse commented, taking off his hood. Beneath the hood was a handsome young man, in his late teens. His eyes sparkled emerald green. His hair was milk chocolate brown and was cut short in the signature way the youngest prince's hair would be cut. The figure to the left of him took off his hood, turning to address the young prince. Beneath this hood was a man in his late twenties, whose dark brown hair was a bit long for a man, about to his chin. His looks took Serephina's breath away, but what especially caught her attention was his warm brown eyes that were only a shade darker than her own. Though his facial expressions were stern, his warm eyes seemed to show he was a kind man.

"They are good for camouflage and hiding our identity. We discussed this Lewis." Varick, the brown-eyed man, replied frowning at what appeared to Serephina as an ongoing argument between the two.

"I agree with Varick. I like them, makes me feel badass." Commented the figure to the left of the brown-eyed man, who took his hood off a bit reluctantly. His medium length jet black hair matched that of the horse, but his face structure showed he was clearly the brother of the other two. His eyes were a piercing ice blue, which caused Serephina to shiver when he glanced at her. Unlike the brown-eyed man, this man's eyes seemed to show a cold soul beneath them. Between the swearing, and his cold eyes Serephina had already decided the blue-eyed man was not kind and not to be crossed. As she stared up at the four figures on horses Serephina came quickly to the realization that there was only one family where every son had different colored eyes. The royal family.

"Watch your language Kaden, there are two, perhaps three ladies present." The fourth and final figure scolded. Underneath this hood was a beautiful woman. Her long blonde hair and pale green eyes were just the start of her breathtaking features. As Serephina took this woman in, she realized a quite far along baby bump.

"I am sorry my wife, please forgive me," Kaden replied, not seeming to be that apologetic or genuine in his apology. Serephina made it to her feet so that she could curtsey to them before kneeling as was the custom in the kingdom. The kingdom was one of the largest in the world, and yet every citizen was trained just in case they ran into royalty, or in this case, royalty ran into them.

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