Chapter 7: A Reconciliation

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That night Serephina had gone out for a walk, and Kaden sat in the kitchen using the large table space to survey a bunch of maps regarding known assassinations, attempted and completed by the assassins. Leah and Lewis sat upstairs on Leah and Kaden's bed playing a game of marbles the boys had invented when they were younger. As Varick went up to the bedroom, he passed Leah and Lewis without acknowledgment. Despite his attempt to sneak past he heard Leah call out to him. Reluctantly Varick made his way to Leah's doorway and waited for whatever ambush of questions she had for him.

"Where did you end up finding her?" Leah asked, noting that though both had returned to dinner, neither was in a social mood.

"She was sitting by the riverbank down a ways further than normal."

"Did she tell you anything to explain why she was late?" Inquired Leah.

"Not out loud..."

"But you have a guess?" Lewis finished for his brother.

"Yes. When I found her she was crying... she said it was not because of me when I asked but I know her well enough by now to know she was lying in an attempt to not hurt me...:"

"What could you have done to make her cry?" Questioned Lewis.

" She thought I blamed her for mother's death, since she is the one who brought me the news." Varick explained.

"That is awful...what a terrible feeling to have carried around these last few days. We should have told you, it was not her responsibility." Leah remorsefully remarked.

"I should have assured her. It was my fault..," Varick sighed before continuing, "She was also quite clear with me today that I am not her type. She told me to tell Leah that her only request is for someone who will not abandon her."

"She said that?" Leah was slightly astounded, and yet she had some pride that her gut feeling was correct. She had tried to warn Varick, but it was already too late.

"It was clear she meant that no matter what she wants or who she might get she does not want a man like me, so both of you can stop playing cupid now." Varick stated, hoping that they would actually follow through with this request, but he highly doubted they would give in.

"That is a brave statement for her to make to a man, let alone her future king." Noted Lewis.

"She knows I would never hurt she knew she could say it without fear." Varick remarked, leaning against the door frame. "Plus, I am man enough to admit I deserved it."

At that moment they all heard the front door open and close, signaling that Serephina had likely returned so Varick excused himself to go to his room before he had to run into her.

"You know as well as I do why he was ignoring her..." Leah noted as she was setting up the marbles for another game. Lewis nodded, answering softly so that only Leah could hear him in case Serephina walked by.

"I do. He is pushing her away in order to spare his heart more grief, it is a shame that we can see it but neither one of them seems to notice themselves."

"Seems like he lost his chance." Leah sadly shook her head.

"Our kind host is extremely forgiving. I would not give up yet, I simply cannot imagine him leaving here without her." Lewis stated, intensely studying his marble's positions.

"If only there was a way to force them to see their own feelings..." Sighed Leah, flicking one of her marbles sending it crashing into one of Lewis's.

"Maybe there is." Lewis looked up and smiled at Leah, his green eyes shining with the twinkle of a grand scheme

"What are you thinking?" She questioned, ready to do whatever it took. If cupid was not going help Varick and Serephina on his own, then Lewis and Leah were going to do it themselves.

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