Chapter 26: A Short-Lived Honeymoon

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While the family wanted to bask in the joy of Serephina and Varick's wedding the brothers had a business to attend to regarding the assassins. The next day was the final planning meeting before putting into action a plan that their lives depended on.

"I am sorry we do not get much of a honeymoon," Varick whispered as he finished getting dressed. He looked back at Serephina who was looking at him from the bed, the blankets covering her naked body.

"I am married to you, every day from here on out will be a honeymoon." Serephina groggily replied, still processing that the handsome man standing before her was hers. Varick smiled kissing his wife's forehead.

"I love you." Varick murmured, kissing Serephina lovingly. Serephina rested one hand on the side of Varick's face as she continued to kiss him, never wanting to stop as she knew better than to take him for granted. Varick gave a soft chuckle before breaking away "As much I would love to continue this, all of our lives depend on this meeting I have to go to."

"Do you have to go?" Serephina whined, resting her forehead against Varick's.

"Sadly I have to, royal obligations." Varick sighed, rubbing Serephina's arm. If he had a choice he would stay with his wife, but he knew the meeting was more important than his wants.

"So it begins..." Serephina teased, kissing Varick's hand. "Are you sure you do not want me to be there?"

"No, you can stay and rest. I will come to get you if there is a decision you need to be part of. I promise." Varick swore, kissing Serephina once more.

"I believe you since you always keep your promises," Serephina responded, which spend a chill down Varick's spine. Not all the time, he thought to himself before shaking out of it and realizing that the past does not matter now. He has Serephina and that is all that mattered. Varick kissed all over Serephina's face making her laugh before heading over to the meeting.

"You are on time, that is surprising for a newlywed." Kaden joked, when Varick took the seat beside him. Varick actually laughed at Kaden's joke and playfully shoved him understanding the underlying reference. Lewis quietly joined them a few moments later sitting to the left of Varick trying to avoid Kaden. When all the people attending showed up Varick stood up and called the meeting to order

"Welcome to our final meeting regarding the assassins, " Varick began, "as a refresher, the event is this upcoming Friday, you should have all got your assignments and sketches of the assassins. There are three, two brothers and one cousin. Do not take all the sketches with you, it is vital you memorize their faces. After some discussion before we have decided that a member of our families, as long as they are not the sole member should come with us to make it seem as though we are taking the event seriously. That is our first order of business today, deciding who is attending and who is not."

The meeting members broke into their countries and family units trying to decide who should go to the meeting and who should stay behind. As Varick turned to face his brothers he found two horrified faces staring back at him.

"Do we have to take one of ours?" Kaden asked in reference to Serephina and Leah.

"We do not have to, but it would make us pretty hypocritical," Varick responded, hating himself for the fact that he just assumed Leah would be the one to go.

"Well since you have wanted to treat her the same way I treat Leah, Serephina is your wife now, she could go." Kaden pointed out, not ashamed to take the first dig.

"Leah's looks are so unique that she stands out more than Serephina does." Lewis tacked on, earning a surprised glance from Kaden in response to someone siding with him.

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