Chapter 12: A Royal Newcomer

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Though the brothers knew that splitting up would be dangerous, they also knew it was less likely that they would draw attention to themselves if they were apart. Varick had Serephina in front of him on the horse, keeping her between his arms that held the straps of the horse. It was slow going to get back to the cabin, but after an hour or so they finally reached the hideout, happy to see that Lewis's horse was already tethered.

Varick jumped off his horse, tethering it beside Lewis's, before cradling Serephina in his arms once again. He rushed her inside, walking straight past everyone else to his bedroom. He laid the woman he had fallen in love with, the one whom he had just let down in the greatest way, on his bed. Serephina watched him carefully, feeling guilty at the pain she was causing him. She could tell he hated being in love, and she felt chills go through her body as she doubted he would ever tell her he loved her again.

"I am fine, go fill in your family." Serephina whispered, before coughing violently from the smoke exposure she had suffered. Varick stared stunned, not sure what he could do. Hearing the commotion Leah walked in and ordered Varick to get a glass of water.

"I am so glad to see you!" Leah told Serephina, giving her a cloth to cough the soot into. Varick returned almost as quickly as he had left with a glass of water.

"It has not even been twenty-four hours. You could not keep me away that long." Serephina joked before coughing again. Varick handed her the glass, trying to ignore the look of judgment that Leah was giving him in reaction to Serephina's joke... Leah asked Varick to leave so that she could help Serephina wash up and get into a clean nightgown. Once they were finished she called Varick back in.

"I will leave you both alone for a while, I truly am so happy you are here with us Serephina," Leah gave Serephina's hand a squeeze before leaving Varick to take care of her.

"He really does love her. You should have seen him when we arrived and her home was on fire...he was devastated. When he found her unconscious he screamed louder than I did at the loss of Mary. It deafened me even through the fire and falling wood. I do not know what he would have done if she was dead...we probably would not both be here right now if she was dead." Lewis remarked to Kaden as Leah entered the living room.

"I wonder if he is going to only back away from her now..." Leah pondered, knowing Varick ran from feeling emotions, and likely was not thrilled to just have been hurt so badly.

"I do not think so, he really loves her." Responded Lewis who knew the kind of love Varick and Serephina had for each other. Lewis would have never willingly left his wife, and he knew Varick would never again willingly leave Serephina.

While Kaden, Leah and Lewis sat in the living room trying to process everything that had occurred Varick and Serephina began to make up for lost hours.

"I thought you were dead." Varick mumbled, holding onto Serephina's hand. Tears fell down his the sides of his face, as he replayed the events of the night. "You were not responding to me."

"I was fighting the smoke when I felt my eyes close. I felt so light and free, as though I was welcoming death, but when I heard your voice calling to me I fought as hard as I could to get back you. You promised me you would not let me die, and you kept your word." Serephina's words made a chill run through Varick. She had no idea that he did not intend to keep his promise, and it killed him that she thought he was still trustworthy.

"You should rest a bit, I will be right here when you wake up." Varick insisted. Serephina nodded, and within a minute or so of closing her eyes she drifted off into a much needed sleep. Varick watched the clock on the wall, planning on waking her up if she slept too long, just to make sure she was still alive. He listened for any change in her breathing, which thankfully except for a slight cough every once in awhile remained steady. Varick jumped when he heard Leah knock on the door to signal her entrance.

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