Chapter 14: A Royal Mess

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Serephina laid on Varick, her head nustled under his chin. She could hear his heartbeat rhythmically pumping away, his chest rising and falling in time with hers. She smiled as his hands gently rubbed her back. Before they had retired to bed Serephina caught a glimpse of happiness in Varick's eyes as he looked over her in the oversized navy nightgown that was too large for her, but it was the first one they found and they were too exhausted to search for another.

The room was cold because a cold front had rolled through during the day and since they were not allowed to use fire as it would signal their whereabouts they had to deal with it. Partly due to the cold and partly due to his want to have her as close as he could Varick pulled Serephina on top of him, having the quilt cover over them both. Neither one had been this close to someone else, least not that they could remember.

"You are beautiful," Varick whispered as his gentle hands found their way down Serephina's back and back up.

"How can you say that when you cannot see me?" Serephina questioned.

"It is a fact, I do not need to see you to know that you are." Varick confidently responded.

"I love you." Serephina murmured lifting her head so that she could kiss Varick. Though it was pitch black in the room she found his lips with no problem.

"Never leave me." Varick blurted out. He was thankful for the darkness as it covered his blushing at the fact he was pleading with Serephina again. How I would be a laughing stock if anyone knew I begged a farm girl to never leave me.

"Never leave me." She responded. Varick wished he could promise her that he never would, but he had witnessed the vows that Lewis and Mary exchanged where they promised the same thing to each other. Serephina was not surprised when Varick did not answer her. It did not matter that he did not say anything she knew that he would only leave her if absolutely necessary.

"I know we talked about star crossed lovers but do you believe in soulmates?" Varick asked. Not believing what she heard Serephina requested that Varick reiterate what he said. "I asked if you believe in soulmates."

"Do you think I believe in them?" Serephina sat beside him now, shocked that she was having this conversation with someone she was certain did not believe in soulmates.

"I think you do." Varick responded, reaching out in the darkness until he could find one of her hands. He entangled his fingers with hers squeezing it reassuringly.

" I do believe in soulmates," Serephina admitted, squeezing his hand back.

"Why?" Varick pried hoping that Serephina would provide him with proof so that he could believe that they would in fact have a happy ending.

"For starters, I firmly believe my parents were soulmates. They hated each other at first. They could barely stand being around each other until one day my father's best friend bet him to ask my mother to accompany him to the dance the town was having that week. My father, when he was younger, was never one to turn down a bet, at least that is what I heard. Anyway, he asked her and for some reason she accepted. They fell in love that night and were inseparable afterward. The part that solidified that they were soulmates for me was the fact that their fights were never over petty things, it was always much more than hogging the bed."

"I am not sure I am following you." Varick honestly responded.

"I could always tell when they were angry with each other because they made extra effort to avoid each other. One night while my sister was asleep I stood at the top of the stairs and listened to my parents talking. It was a relief to me because my mother had left the house she was so upset over whatever had transpired between them. She had been gone a few days and she had returned at a time my father is usually gone to town but he stayed knowing she would sneak in."

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