chapter 1❤️

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I awoke to the scream of my alarm clock , today I would start yet another new school.
My dad and I were always trying to find a place to settle down but he could never get ...well settled. He told me this town was a last resort , and only because my grandmother lived here and wasn't doing to well.

I remember long ago when I was little coming and visiting my grandmother , oh how I missed her homemade pudding. One thing that always stood out was how much she hated dogs or anything linked to them she made them seem like monsters. One time I found a stray and she called animal control I cried the whole day.

It was one of those kind of hates that grew so strong that you could tell that when she talked about it she wish every single living one would die. I still haven't figured out why maybe because my mom, which was her daughter, was killed by a group of wolves but its more than that I feel it.
You see my mom died when i was 6, I don't have much memory's with her but pictures and the Little story's that almost seem like fairy tales to me now.

She was on a camping trip and she went for hike and apparently was killed by a group of wolves. I don't know if it is true or a cover story because she really just left us, either way she's not in my life.

When I was little my dad would tell me how she called me her little winter storm because I would make a mess in every room i went through. Some days I do wonder what life would be like with her or what if she would've lived just long enough for me to really know her.
But in a way it made me and my dad really close, we knew every thing there was to know about each other I know I could tell him any thing, well  almost everything. As I walked out of my room I stopped to inhale the smell of brunt bacon and pancakes, I knew today was dads turn to cook breakfast.

"Morning dad" he was at the stove trying to flip a pancake which ended up folded instead .

"Morning Hun, so you hungry" I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and a apple.
"I think ill eat this"
No offense to my dad but he was not the best all.

As I got in my the car I reached over to my book-bag and grabbed my phone I looked for the way to my new jail. When I found it I realized it was only a few blocks from my house a good 20mintue walk and took about 10 minutes to drive there.
I soon pulled up to a 2 story Buliding that was for sure bigger then my school in Kansas.
As I stepped out of my car I felt like a million eyes were on me but I kept walking . I soon found the office with two overly sized lady's sitting there gossiping about some horrible killing that was said to be done by a some type of animal nothing out of the ordinary to them.

"Hi im lively winter I just enrolled here and was hoping you could help me" I said with a shy smile.

"Well yes I remember your father came in and told me you start today, im Redha Black and this Maire Cain".

Maire stuck out her hand and greeted me with a smile.
"so nice to meet you honey, so what can we help you with" I smiled and said " um, I need my schedule please " she looked around for a minute and I could she remembered where she must have placed it.

" Why yes hold on one second darling" I walked over to a seat in the corner of the office while they got my schedule , I swear I could hear the chair breath out thank you when Rehda got up.
She returned only minutes later " Here you go honey if need any help just come right up here and we will help you ".

Just as she handed me my schedule the most dreamiest guy walked in .You could tell through his black v neck shirt he worked out , he was tan and tall probley 6'2 ,deep green eyes and dark brown hair .

"Hey ladies how's it going today I was wander if I could get a extra bathroom pass, you see my bladders be on a rush lately" he said in a hushed voice trying to keep it on a down low but he sure was not good at it.

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