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After taking a quick shower and putting on the 'Panic! At the Disco' shirt Alex had gave me before. I decided to logged on to the Amateur Writer Awards website.

To see the time and date of the deadline of entries. I always wanted to become an author, I always enter contests both online and at school. But lately, I’ve been stuck on my entry, “Cat Eyes” it is this fantasy story about this teenage witch.

It is fun writing it at first, but eventually the inspiration of it seems to have died down pretty quickly. But I continued to write my story while I wait for Alex to pick me up.

“Can do this on my own.” I muttered under my breath. Copying the line I typed, my inspiration felt like it flew out of the window as soon as I typed.

Laying down on my bed, I took my phone and decided to look at my messages to see if I had any.

Charlie Charleston

Charlie is probably one of the most formal guy I ever met, he is pretty good at technical stuff, and I once asked him to help me on that Powerpoint presentation I need on one class.

Though, I didn’t actually find him attractive before we chatted. He was just some average guy. But when I saw him on that school pageant, he literally blew me away with his brown eyes.

Charles: Hi
Charlie: Hi :-)

Oh, God. He replied for once.

Charles: How are you today?

I closed the tab before he could ever have a chance to see it. My heart loudly pumped once again on my chest, puffing my chest in overpowering nervousness.

Charlie, you just asked how is he doing. Not if he wants to date you.

After convincing myself to act normal, I immediately turned on my laptop again and looked at our chat to see if he replied. The annoying lag on my laptop added to my agitated position, and when I looked back at it, there was one word that caught my attention.


"Charlie." Mom called, "Your friend is here."

"Coming." I swiftly fixed my things and rushed towards downstairs. Alexis was already waiting for me on the couch, just anxiously sitting down.

But then I noticed Alex and I were wearing the same shirt. Of course, Dad noticed as well.

"Wearing the same shirt." Dad highlighted, giving me a look. "You boys must really like... that band."

"It's nice knowing my son finally has someone..." Mom chimed in, "To take him on this school events."

I sighed, "We're just friends."

"We never said anything." Both of my parents simultaneously said, going on with the things they had to do, like I wasn't suppose to notice the things they are implying. Alexis was just laughing lowly as he stood up.

"We better get going, Mr. and Ms. Gray." Alex said. "I'll make sure Charles get home before curfew."

"Have fun." Dad returned to doing his paperworks, as we are going out the door.

Bickering, I started nudging the other guy with my elbow.

He laughed, "Your parents are fun."

"Yeah, I guess." Scrunching my nose, as I stomped onto Alexis' car. We have known each other well enough, but I haven't been really the kind of person to tell my parents that I have these kinds of friends. So I forgot this is the first time he met my parents.

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