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Dedicating my poem to

During the twilight in a sleepless night I've got a dream,
the sun waved a bye due its breakup with earth,
As he was going on a date with bluemoon.
I thought it would last for a day or two,
He left me a lucky month lasting this sweet December.

When the day has came,
I was flushed and fascinated, with cold mornings and freezing nights.
I step out from my frost kingdom to my beautiful porch through crystals of ice
My two toes went tickling as I entered this paradise
Feeling of Drizzling love when caught by snowfalls and watery snowflakes
Christmas vibes and baking aroma

Jeez thanks for your birth,
Making this sweet December more beautiful.
The great feeling of the sound of Ringo bells and the hug with Christmas tree
And the adventurous bounty ride on the snowy clouds with Santa Claus .

Out of wanderlust,
With joy I clung to the tree and shook its branches
The snow falls on my head went messy.
Snow adored colourful when the paints were thrown
The ecstacy of cold gave me a nostalgic feeling
Which got me dashed to the hearth to get some warmth

Out of joy and celebrations
My nose turned red as rose.
That got me to suffer from this mystery cold,
Ending this sweet December.




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