7th Reason

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Once I'm done changing into my baseball uniform I go straight to the field, when I arrive there I saw that everyone, and I mean everyone, Chris-Senpai is even there (^ _ ^), I go, well I ran, full blown sprint to him and stop in front of him

"Chris-Senpai!, What are you doing here?....." I stop to look at them, and continued "...In fact.... What are you all doing here?" I stare at him and tilt my head to the side, he blink kinda fast and said "Well.... I'm going to watch you, I want to see if you've improve"

He smiled and pet my hair, kinda put of character but I think nothing of it, "Sawamura! Mound!" I heard coach shouted, I slightly tense up and said "Yes Boss!"

I turn around to face Chris-Senpai and said "Bye Chris-Senpai!, Thank you for Coming" then I and smiled at him before running off to the mound, but not before getting my pitching mitt and and the ball

The catcher ask for pitch,probably warming me up, I complied, we did that for at least 5 minutes before we saw the batter, Kuramochi-Senpai, you see, they didn't make Miyuki my catcher because, well, I'm also going to fight or pitch to him, Kuramochi-Senpai swing his bat for at least 3 times, before looking at me and smirking, probably thinking that I still pitch the same, he's in for a surprise

I smirk back while my hat is covering my eyes, then raise my head to let him see my determined and up-for-the-match eyes, he look genuinely surprise and I can tell that I pisses him off, I gave him a message or a look that says Are-You-Ready?, and I guess he received that for he grip his bat harder, tighter, he even look serious

Everyone is silently waiting, as I did my pitching form, I swing my left arm infront and let go of the ball, he step his right foot on the ground and swing his bat, "Foul!", the umpire shouted, the ball go straight into the fence, at the back of the umpire

Gritting his teeth, Kuramoch-Senpai look at me, this time more determine, I look at him straight in the eyes and pitch, "Strike!", I gave him an inside pitch, I know that he assumes that I would do an outside pitch, what does he know, the catcher gives me the ball back and I catch it easily while looking at Kuramochi-Senpai challengingly

I know how to rile him up and I know what makes him pissed and that is cocky persons, I pitch again, this time pitching a middle pitch, "Strike!", he groans, I only narrowed my eyes a little as if telling him, asking him, daring him to hit my pitches

His taunting smirk are gone and now replaced by a serious one, I smirk again and throw my final pitch to him........ "Strike Out!", he stood there pissed, fuming, before he throw his helmet on the ground, What did I pitch?

An inside pitch that is too close on the edge, but not close enough to be called ball

I look at him dead in the eyes, no emotion at all, my face is stoic, he glares at me and said "Stupid Sh!t!, How did he even know how to do that sh!tty pitch like that?!" He said that loud enough for me to hear but quiet enough for anyone to hear, all of them take turns batting, some may hit it but the rest didn't, I thought that's all and I'm done but when someone said

"Too afraid to pitch to me?~", I stop dead on my tracks and look at the batter, I grip the ball hard when I saw who it is..... "Miyuki"

I stare at him and he's there, smirking, lookind down at me, discriminating me, judging me, I felt my right eye twitch and he notice, since his smirk grew, adrenaline rushing to my veins igniting my whole body

I throw my first pitch, the inside-close-to-the-edge one, he hit it, shocked, I look at the back, it miss the pole, I look back at Miyuki, he's still smirking then he speaks, making me grip the ball tighter, "Is that all you can do?"

I pitch again, same result, I'm pissed, he notice and said "Can't you do anything other than those weak pitches?~", I have no choice, I didn't want to do this, I pitch again, he smirks, stomp his right feet and swing, he thought he already got it, too bad

Before the bat make contact with the ball it falls, that's right, a breaking ball, Akiko help me polish my instinct, he make my talent bloom (A/N: Comment if you catch my reference) I pitch again, this time with my hat covering my eyes

"I hate Miyuki because he's Cocky" and "I hate Miyuki because he never help me improve"

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