12th Reason

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Previously on WIHH

"What do you want Sawamura?"

"I like to discuss about my transfer"


"What?!?" the coach shouted making me look at him out of shock

Quickly composing myself, I cleared my throat and repeated "I like to discuss about my transfer"

"Its the middle of the school year and you've got your scholarship..... What makes you change your mind?"

I was about to say Miyuki when I remember that I don't have the right to say that so I quickly closed my mouth, Instead I said

"I didn't want to say this but the Raven team...... I'm actually visiting the Ravens team for the past months, I'm also practicing with them.... Seems unreasonable but I like being with them, I hope you understand and I also hope that you don't get mad at me for saying this but.... "

I took a deep breath and gulp, calming myself, I can hear the fast beating of my heart, I look at the coach on the eyes and said

" They, for the past months, have been pursuading me to be on their team.... they... " I look away, I cannot look at him when I said this

".... They actually offered me a scholarship"

Everyone on the room turn silent, If a pin would drop it was all that could be heard from how silent it was

After a minute or so, I look at the coach and quickly said "P-please don't think that I don't appreciate what you all did.... I... I am really grateful to all of you... For everything that you've done for me..... Wi-without you all... I don't know where I am now... You-you are a big part of my life.."

Cr@p, I'm ranting, but I can't stop" A-And if Ms. Rei didn-"

The coach hold his hand signaling for me to stop" It may be hard seeing as you are a valuable part of the team, but is that's what you really want? "

'Is this what I really want?'

I nodded, the coach sigh and with a kinda sad look? said "Very well then, It was nice having you in the team"

I said goodbye and thanks, I didn't tell anyone that I'm leaving, when I entered the dorm I saw Kuramochi-senpai Cr@p, I thought he's already asleep

"Oi Bakamura where did you go?" he ask with a serious tone

I sweat dropped, good thing he didn't get angry at me when I rile him up the other day, though he just wrestled me when I got back to the dorm

"I... The coach called me"

He look at me questioningly and said "What did he need you for?"

Cr@p, quick, think of a lie!!! "Um... He just said that I've improved and he also ask me when did I learn to do that"

Phew that's great, he look at me in disbelief

'Please believe me.... Please believe me.... Please beleive me' I chanted in my head

"If you say so... Can't believe he praised you..." he mumbled, "But don't get cocky!!! You hear?!?!? !"  he then turn away and said

"Well I'm going to sleep then, Don't stay up too late or you would get crappier in practice!"

with that he go to his bed and a minute or so I heard his snores, I smiled sadly and mumbled "I'm going to miss him"

I, as quietly as possible, begin packing my things, after that I plop on my bed and look around the room, "I'm going to miss this place" I once again mumbled

"*sigh*That was tiring"

I turn off the lights and said "Goodnight" to nobody in particulars


I heard a ringing sound, I wonder what's that, it's too noisy, Suddenly jolting awake (not before bumping my head on the upper bed) I quickly turn off my alarm

I stretched for a minute or so, It's too silent well not surprising after all its only 5:00 a.m. Quickly shrugging, I suddenly remembered something

"Cr@p! I forgot to write on my diary!" I shouted, then I heard Kuramochi-senpai groan 'Cr@p'

Good thing he didn't wake up though, I better start writing now the take a shower, the bus, afterall, would arrive at exactly 6:00

After I'm done writing I quickly head to the shower and do my business, when I was fully clothed, I look at the clock and saw that it was already 5:55

Cr@p, I better hurry!, quickly grabbing my bag, I left on a full blown sprint, when I arrive there I saw that the bus is already there and the ciach is waiting together with Ms. Rei and the fat coach or manager

I stop infront of them and bow down "Thank you for everything and I'm sorry" they, inturn, also bow

Standing straight, Ms. Rei said "We would miss having you play with us" she smiled

The coach come near me and said "I hope you improve more and when the time comes, I hope we see each other on the coach and have a good match"

The fat coach just smiled and thank me, with a wave, I said goodbye, Damn I would miss Haruichi and that's all...

Fine! I admit it, I would miss everyone, even Furuya, while thinking this my mind drifted off to what I wrote on my diary

When I already sit on the place that I want, the bus started to move, I turn to my bag and hurriedly open it thinling about what I'm going to write for my next entry

I searched it everywhere, the pocket of my bag, even my jacket! Then a thought occured to me


"Cr@p! I forgot to write on my diary!"

I better start writing now the take a shower, the bus, afterall, would arrive at exactly 6:00

After I'm done writing I quickly head to the shower and do my business,


3rd Persons POV

Eijun's eye became wide as a saucer he hurriedly stand up and pace his elbow on the seat, the passengers are looking at hime weirdly though some paid him no mind, face as wide as a sheet, with his heart beating fast, he shouted

"My Diary!! "

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