Chap. 1~ Oil

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" Y/N get your ass up or i'm leaving without you!" Your big brother, Belch yelled waiting for you to come with him to go me up with the rest of the Bowers gang. You groaned rolling out of bed and walking to your closet. "yeah, yeah, calm down tubby i'm coming" You yelled back at him grabbing a pair of ripped black jeans, a nirvana muscle shirt and throwing a red flannel over it you pulled on your combat boots and lazily brushed out your H/L H/C hair and ran down stairs and out the door to catch Belch in his car playing on his phone. "Took you long enough, what were you doing? getting ready for a date?" he said starting the car and flooring it down the road.

Half way down the road the car sputters and belch curses pulling over. "This damn car never fucking works." Belch yelled,  slamming his hand on the steering wheel. You grab the tools out of the trunk and told Belch to calm down and text Henry you would be late and to keep Vic calm. Victor just broke up with his girlfriend because She fucked the kid from the losers club. You  started fixing the car and you was almost done till you realized that you ruined your once white shirt with oil from the car. you sigh getting into the car  Hopping Henry doesn't think you look gross. You started to develop a small crush on the mullet head, but you couldn't tell anyone. Not even your best friend, Victor.

~time skip~ 

You and Belch walk into Vic house and find him, Henry, And patrick sitting on the floor with snacks, cigs, anything that will make the bleach headed boy calm down. "hey guys, you ok vicky?" you said sitting down beside him. You couldn't help but notice Patrick was staring at you and your shirt. "no.. I'm not..." Victor said with a voice crack as Henry throws his hands up falling back onto the floor. "we been here for a hour, and you show up for 1 minute and he talks" he said with a sigh as you and Vic laughed. "well, it happens when your best friends" you said winking at him when he sat back up, earning a glare from Patrick. What was his problem? "alright, alright, how bout you *burp* tell us what happened" belch said downing his second can of soda. As victor starts telling what happened, even though you already knew since he told you last night, he began to cry into your shirt as the guys looked at him with pure sympathy. "Sorry, Y/N i ruined your shirt" Vic said calming down as him and Henry got the idea to cut up him and his now Ex girlfriend's pictures. "what did happen short straw? seems like you got hit by a dump." Patrick said staring at you boredly. "I fixed the car. It broke down on the way here patty" You said smiling at him knowing he hates that nickname, yet he only lets you call him that. "Belch, your taking me and Victor to get some beer and movies. Y/N, Patrick you two stay here in case his bitch ass ex shows up." Henry said throwing you a bag of mixed snacks before you could argue, running out the door with your brother and Victor. Patrick smiled at you, then sits beside you, trying to make you feel intimidated but fails since you are used to his weird behavior and habits. "you killed any animals lately?" he whispered in your ear making you freeze. How did he know about that?...

----END OF CHAPTER 1----

word count: 612

Hope you guys enjoy my new story 

His little crazy

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