chapter 2~the secret

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~In previous chapter~

  "Belch, your taking me and Victor to get some beer and movies. Y/N, Patrick you two stay here in case his bitch ass ex shows up." Henry said throwing you a bag of mixed snacks before you could argue, running out the door with your brother and Victor. Patrick smiled at you, then sits beside you, trying to make you feel intimidated but fails since you are used to his weird behavior and habits. "you killed any animals lately?" he whispered in your ear making you freeze. How did he know about that?...  

~Present chapter~

"I-I don't know what your talkin  'bout Patty" you laughed nervously as he grew a sickening grin on his face. "Oh but I think you do Y/N. Don't you remember? The poor, flightless bird you found" Patrick said with a hint of amusement in his voice as your breath hitched and you started thinking about last week and how you felt as if you was being watched.


I was walking through the woods playing with my knife and thinking of when I get out of this hell called life, till i heard a frequent chirp that sounded in pain. I walk over to a tree and see a robin with a broken wing, i pick it up and stare at it's it chirps more when i touch it's hurt wing. I smiled and petted the bird gently, then in a daze i snapped its neck, sit criss crossed on the ground and start dissecting it, cutting it up into small pieces one at a time with a cruel smile on my face that my used to be friend said it almost matched patrick's. As if. I heard a snap and looked up and called out "who the fuck is there?" no answer. I just shrugged it off and went back to my horrific but yet fun project. When done and bored i excitedly burn the bird's chopped up body in pleasure. 'Fire and killing things. Best thing on a lonely Tuesday' i thought


You stared at Patrick in both anger and fear. 'he was there?!....' you thought as he lit a cig. "You should've known by now that I be there doll face" he said blowing smoke through his nose. You look at him in confusion then quietly ask "what do you mean by that Pat?..." He grinned the twisted grin of his and then looked at you "Well isn't it obvious? I have interest in you, Y/N. And when I have a interest I study it, watch it, find its likes and dislikes, its habits *his grin fades* and what their interest is..." Patrick ends his sentence at that seeing you realize what he means. "So, you know i have a slight....interest.... in killing animals and fire?" you said with a shakiness in your voice. "oh that's not all doll, I know your interest in pain, fire, killing, and in bowers." he said the last thing in a more monotone with a very small hint of anger. You look down trying not to blush "please don't say anything Patrick...Belch would rat to Ma...."you said with fear, but he quickly pulls your head up pulling on your chin with his thumb and point finger. "I got a deal for you, I will keep your secrets IF, you keep mine~" he smiled evilly as you looked confused and asked "I-I don't know any of them though pat..." he laughed to himself and then let go of your face to the noise of Belch's car. "Oh, but you will soon, kitten" he whispered before moving back to his original spot in the floor as Belch, Victor, and Henry walk in with bags and laughing.

----END OF CHAPTER 2----

word count: 643

Hope you guys enjoy my new chapter of 

His little crazy

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