chapter 5~ the new face

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~previous chapter~

He gives you a wink then takes your arm licking the blood off of your arm before he wraps it in a bandage "You taste better than you look short straw" you draw back your arm and stare at him in fear and interest. How the hell could this be appealing to me?! You thought to yourself as patrick started out the window "come on. We have lots to do tonight kitten~" he said jumping down you slowly follow as if entranced by his words. What was the guy doing to your mind?!

~present chapter~

You quickly stop in your tracks, realizing if your mom wakes up, you're dead. So you take the pillows and stuff animals off the bed and shove them under your covers in the shape of yourself, as you do almost every night since you sneak out a lot. After you was satisfied with it you hop out the window landing in the cool kneeling pose like movies, instantly regretting your dumb habit after hearing Patrick snickering while leaning against the corner of your home with a back over his shoullder. "Come on short straw, we got alottt to do" he said with a hint of mischief in his voice. You rolled your eyes and dug your nails into the palm of your hands, as you always did when you was upset or nervous. (if you get this reference you probably get the forshadowing there ;) ) "fine, just hurry up it's cold out here Pat.." you said with a slight shiver and interest as you slowly followed pat to the trail behind your house that leads to the quarry, watching as his tall lean figure stops and starts walking a few times hearing if you was still following him. When you two get to the quarry he stops and sets his bag down turning to you as you tried your best to looked pissed and stop your shivering.


God. She is so adorable, even if sheis shivering like a leaf. So small and gentle and fragile.... completely easy to... No, stop Patrick, you can't think like that with her. I sigh and turn to the water.. "you know, I was surprised. seeing you there, disecting that poor innocent bird,.. it was quite interesting" i said turning  to her, only to see her turned around staring at the rustling woods behind us, her knife out.Shit. Someone here to ruin my plans...great.. Just then a guy walks out. I instantly get angered at him. He is the new guy in town. He is in all of Y/n classes and stares at her alot. Thats my job. she is MY short straw... He walks over to us a smirk on his face, his black curly hair mostly tucked in his odd crown shaped beanie hands stuffed into his leather jacket, that read southside on the back. Know one knows his real name. everyone says he goes by jughead, but i just call him prey. He is ruining my plans, he can't have her. She is MINE. "well, hey Y/n. I didn't think i see you here in the cold at that. What are you and beanstalk here doin'?" he said givng me a glare before stepping closer to Y/N. All of a sudden I'm beside her, arm around her shoulders with a small growl i say "We are 'bout to do a sacrifice, wan't to be it?" as i said that Y/N steps between us as if... sheilding me?


HI guys!! I have decided to keep on with this story. I am going to start a possible au or collab or whatever with putting riverdales famous weirdo jughead into the mix. Will this be a possible love triangle? will the two odd balls start a feud over Y/N? What will Y/N do?!!

see you in the next chapter of HIS LITTLE CRAZY

his little crazy  (Patrick Hockstetter  x reader)Where stories live. Discover now