Chapter 3~ Some what welcomed guest

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~previous chapter~

   "I got a deal for you, I will keep your secrets IF, you keep mine~" he smiled evilly as you looked confused and asked "I-I don't know any of them though pat..." he laughed to himself and then let go of your face to the noise of Belch's car. "Oh, but you will soon, kitten" he whispered before moving back to his original spot in the floor as Belch, Victor, and Henry walk in with bags and laughing.  

~present chapter~

They stop at the couch sitting back down in their normal spots, dumping out their haul of beer, snacks, movies, and more.You all started pigging out and watching Victor's favorite horror movies, until Henry looks up you, lifting an eyebrow in questioning. "Damn, Y/N you look like you saw a ghost" Henry said laughing slightly as Patrick gave him a look of....jealousy? You laugh to and grab a beer "nah Henny. i don't get scared all you shit's know that" you said giving him a wink making Henry laugh more.

~Patrick POV~

I stared at Henry in anger and sadly to admit jealousy. When I look back at short straw, (his insisted nickname for you) I grinned at her comment 'doesn't get scared, huh?' I thought watching her chug down a beer and then light a cigarette. i Grin at my hatching plan 'we will see about that, doll~' I finished my thought as I grabbed some chips and started munching down on them before i leave to start my plan 

~regular POV~

Henry check's the time and then at the group "alright here the plan. Since we know that Vic ex is a crazy bitch 2 of us is going to have to stay with him in case she comes in. Since Vic can only have 2 people over for the night at once, which is stupid in my head, Me and Belch gonna stay. Y/N we know that Yall's mom makes you have a curfew so you are off 2nd mom duty for the night" He said giving you a smirk, making you laugh. He Looked at Patrick to finish his statement "And you, grumpy bitch giant need to go home and sleep. You haven't slept in 3 days you fucker. So, both of you go. Belch already texted His mom about Y/n and pat i know you don't care if your parents know"

~Time skip~

You walked into your plain old bedroom after taking a shower thinking of how weird it was that Patrick insisted on walking you home. 'It to late at night for someone as fragile as you to walk home short straw' you kept repeating what he told you in his head confused. You was one the toughest people out of the group, and Patrick knew it so why would he say weird shit like that? You started to brush out your rat's nest called hair till you heard someone moving around in the shadows of the room. You quietly pick up your knife and spun around meaning to put it to the neck of the intruder but instead got the chest of no one other than patrick. You look up at him as he grins with a evil twinkle in his eyes. "well that's no way to treat a guest, short straw~" he said in a deep menacing voice, but yet still had a hint of playfulness in it. You blushed confused on both why is he here, how did he get in, and why did You have these butterfly feelings from his actions?

----end of chapter 3----

word count: 643

Hope you guys enjoy my new chapter of

His little crazy

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