I'm Leaving

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Ever since my cousin got into our home, I have been in lock down in my room. Even my mom won't help me. I, myself, think it's time that I was no longer secret.

I heard about my cousin and other demi-gods are staying safely at a camp that not even the gods can get in, or so I heard. If my dad doesn't let me then I'll runaway. So I called for my dad to come to my room.


After a long, and I mean looonng talk, he still wouldn't listen to me. So, it's decided. I'm leaving. He can send a the monsters he wants after me. I'm gone. I only hope that they except me there.


After packing as much stuff as I could carry, I quietly got out of my room and closed the door as quietly as I could behind me. I went to the nearest fire that I could. I have the ability to turn into, and teleport through, fire.

So, I used this as my advantage. Sadly though, I couldn't go right into the camp itself, so I would have to go through one that was as close as I could, then I would have to run as fast as my legs could carry me the rest of the way. I just hope that I wouldn't be kidnapped before then.

When I got through, I looked at my surroundings, then at my map. It was spelled to show where the camp was and were I was, and from what it looked like, I was about two miles away.

So, feeling like I had wasted enough time as it is, I started heading to the camp.

When I got there, I looked through the force field, (the reason why I couldn't just teleport right into the camp itself). All of the other students were training. I was really nervous, what was I going to tell them? They would most likely kill me on the spot if they knew who my father was.

But, after a little bit of thinking, I knew that they would find out sooner or later. If they found out some other way, there was no way they would trust me. At least, if I told them now, they would take the chance to learn that I'm not my fathers daughter.

And, with that decision made, I enter the camp.

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