special ; merry christmas 2018 ! 🎄💖

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It's been more than a year ever since I started publishing my books. Last year was when I began to devote myself into writing pieces, that had hopefully made people smile or burst into small fits of chuckles.

Since Christmas isn't really that special to me- I thought of chapters that would correlate to this year's Christmas. Yes, I will still be updating as life goes on! But no, I won't be taking in more requests this year- there are loads of requests to be written about.

Thank you for reading, voting and supporting me throughout my whole journey! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o AAAAAA I CAN'T NEVER THANK YOU ENOUGH!! I LOVE YOU ALL!! 💖💖💞💗💕💝💖💕💗❤💓💝❤💙❤💙💕💗💖💓💞💝

I think that's enough hearts.. haha.. 💗💞
have a good day, and enjoy this special chappie!
- bloop bounces out with gifts like santa.

SCENE : These boys had been excited to open their gifts since Christmas Eve! Why don't we take a peek and what they have?

Oh wow! A new shiny frying pan from *****! This is good.. *imagines all the dishes he could ever create* lets make everyone a nice country style breakfast! Merry Christmas! 🎄💗
CONDITION : feeling happy and christmas-y!

What the fuck. What the fjc. What the. *holds up a pikachu suit* WHO THE HECK GAVE ME THE UGLY SUIT FROM LAST YEAR?! DO YOU HAVE NO BUDGET- *electrocutes Cyclone and Blaze* GET YOUR ASSES HERE!
CONDITION : fuck, where's my bass guitar. depressed and angry. dANGRY!

YEAAAAAAHHHHH!!! ITS CHRISTMASSSS!! WOOHOOOOO!! 🎄🎄🎄🎄💞💞❤💓💓💝💝💓💓 Woahh, I got a new hoverboard! *adds hoverboard to his collection of 393734 boards with a happy smile* WHOS MY SECRET SANTA? THEY EVEN GAVE ME CANDY!! *eats everything in one shove*
CONDITION : sugar rush!!! oh yEAH!!! so!!! damnnn!! energeticccc!!!! Tornadoes the house down.

*screams at everything* NEW HOODIE! I'M! A! SUCKER! FOR! HOODIES! OH YEAAAAHHHH!! MERRY CHRISTMAS PEOPLEEEE!! *runs around house in a bundle of oversized hoodies* TAKE THAT, ICE! SUCK ON THAT BABEY! *shoots fireball*
CONDITION : Super-hyped. But Blaze's Blaze. Probably burned the kitchen when they tried to bake cookies.

*dodges incoming fireball and sees burning christmas tree* Oh man. This is my third time as the fireman today.. solo. *sighs when Quake calls him over to put out the fire* When am I going to continue my sleep..
CONDITION : Super-duper tired. Woke up at 5 AM due to Blaze's screaming. Wanna sleep..
GIFT : Hot chocolate packets he didn't need.

*CRIES* NOOOOOOOOO!!! POOR TREE!!! aaAAAHHAHHH- BLAZE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU'RE BURNING AND HURTING IT!! SKEIRHFHIDJD *kisses tree and tries to save it* hEre you gO!! *endless love for tree* 💓💗💓💗❤💞❤💙💙❤💝💝🎄🎄🎄💝💝💗
CONDITION : Panicking over extinguished tree. Still a lovable cINNAMON BUN!!
GIFT : Cute home plants added to his collection of 338644834 plants. Not including the hanging plants in his balcony.

Light (there's a reason why I seperated them)
*flings pairs of sunglasses around* HIDEOUS! ABSOLUTELY UNUSABLE! I'LL PUT THEM INTO THE DUMP IF I HAVE TO! *screams at everyone but Thorn* iDIOTS! I TOLD YOU TO GET ME THIS.. *describes specific, expensive model from the Victoria Secret shop* SEXY, NOT CHEAP!
CONDITION : i!! am!! so!! mad!! i wILL BURN THE HOUSE DOWN IF SOMEONE DOES NOT GIVE ME THOSE VS GLASSESS!! *strangles innocent Cyclone*
GIFT : random glasses trololololklkl

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