Chapter 7 - Laying Low

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Corbin never imagined his journey would lead to being curled in a fetal position inside a wooden crate, sneaking past security. Nor did he imagine breathing through a tube with a layer of fish piled on top of him. Trying to focus on anything but the rotting stench, he focused on the memory of Merric's face. Except, all he could visualize was a tall, blurry figure in the doorway of the dirty Sage Brush bathroom.

Would Merric know his face if they crossed paths again? Or were The Hounds following leads for the witcher that got away?

The wooden crate tipped over, and before he even knew what was happening, he spilled out, along with the slippery fish piled on top of him. Daylight invaded Archibald's van through the double doors as he blinked, trying to adjust his vision. Luna's short but curvy silhouette stood in the door frame next to her father's tall and burly one.

"You alright, princess?" Jasper crouched over him, grinning. "You look like hell."

Corbin spat the breathing tube out and crawled into a sitting position. His stomach churned as he inhaled the rotting fish scent and the slime soaking his clothing.

"I think I'm going to be sick..."

"Come on out." Archibald motioned with his hand. "There's a creek you can wash up in."

"Where are we?" Corbin slid from the van.

"About an hour north from Lake Tahoe. So it's best not to dilly dally," Archibald replied.

"Wait. Are you leaving me here?"

"Jasper and I need to drive the van farther north to throw off The Hounds in case someone followed us. We'll double back on foot and meet up with you and Luna. I've marked it on the map."

"I still think Luna should be the one to go with you, not me," Jasper said.

"I know how to handle myself." She patted the gun holsters on her hips.

"I know you can. My doubt lies with him." Jasper nodded at Corbin.

"Luna will do just fine. I trained both of you to handle your weapons, so it's not like you'll do any better," Archibald said.

"Well, he should at least carry this." Jasper shoved a shotgun into Corbin's hands.

"I... I'm not that good with guns."

"Just stick to the basics. Point. Pull the trigger. Don't miss."

"That's comforting," Corbin muttered.

"It'll be fine." Luna patted his shoulder. "Now wash up in the creek. You STINK."

"And who's fault is that?" Corbin shouted over his shoulder, walking away.

However, his smile faded when Luna's attention shifted to Jasper, who was standing inside the van and wiggling a fish in her face. She slapped it from his hand with a shriek, but began laughing when he leaped from the van to chase her. They circled the vehicle twice until he tackled her to the ground. Meanwhile, Archibald shouted at them to stop horsing around and get back to cleaning.

As Corbin stepped into the freezing creek, an ache swelled his chest over his family's absence. He was alone in the world-even with new companions.

Once the fish slime was scrubbed clean from his body and fresh clothing caressed his skin, the four of them set off in opposite directions. After a few hours of walking uphill and through dense trees, Luna stopped to wipe her brow before taking a swig from a canteen. Then she passed it to Corbin so she could study their map.

"How much longer do we have?"

"Perhaps an hour or two more." She ran her finger along the map. "Think you'll make it?"

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