Chapter 15 - The Camp

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      The dart had worn off by the time they tossed Corbin and Clara into a rusty trailer. The clink of chains fastening across the front door solidified their imprisonment. With wobbly legs, they got to their feet and went to the windows, where iron bars criss-crossed the glass.

The camp of trailer homes sat in a U-shape, creating a cul-de-sac against a wall of dusty mountains. In the center of them, a giant bonfire licked tangerine flames towards the glittered sky. Countless Hounds stood around it, celebrating like college kids as men chased giggling half-naked women—their red cups of Jungle Juice sloshing about.

Amid them, the unmistakable shape of Merric’s tall and husky body watched everyone with his obsidian eyes.

“There’s no use getting your hopes up,” said an old scratchy voice, causing Corbin and Clara to spin around. “Ah yes, you’re not alone in here.”

From the shadows, hands with gnarled knuckles and long pointy fingernails worked a set of knitting needles. The long grey and white hair dangling in front of her leathery, sunburned face split like a curtain as she came into view and glanced up at them.

“Who are you?” Clara asked.

“Mildred, but everyone here calls me Millie.”

“Who’s everyone?” Corbin asked and stepped in front of Clara like a protective barrier.

“The other Witchers,” she replied with a shrug. “Did you think you were the only ones being sold like cattle tomorrow?”

“Were you brought here today too?” Clara asked.

“Honey, they’ve hauled around this trailer for almost a year now. I lived in a senior community until one of the nursing staff sold me out to these... Hounds.”

“A year? Why haven’t they sold you?”

“Cause I’m their pet,” she replied as she continued working the knitting needles. “Apparently the older we get, the fewer people will pay for us, so unfortunately for you, you’ll sell like hotcakes come morning.”

“How many of us are here?” Corbin asked, his eyes roaming the dark trailer.

“Eighteen, but the two of you makes twenty. It wouldn’t surprise me if they gather up a few more. They pack us in like sardines, so use the bathroom while you can.” Millie retreated into the darkness she emerged from, but said, “Oh, and supper should be on its way.”

As she shuffled away, Corbin's and Clara’s eyes met. The light from the bonfire flickered through the windows, casting shadows across their faces. Glistening streaks of tears rolled down Clara’s cheeks, so Corbin pulled her into his arms.

“They’ll find us. I know they will.”

“How?” Clara cried into his chest. “We don’t know where we are. We could be on the other side of the country!”

“Shhh. Don’t talk like that. The Clara I know looks at the bright side.”

She pulled away and tilted her head to look him square in the eyes. “There’s no bright side this time. You heard that woman. They’re selling us in some auction tomorrow. They’ll separate us and forced to go live who knows where? I’ll be sold to perverts!”

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