Chapter 10

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I was discharged yesterday and spent the night with my dad. He and I talked about different issues, and I didn't tell him about Jazz and that she had awakened on Aquarius. But now, I was ready to set off. But where could I launch a rocket and have it not be seen? I wonder if I could shift humanity's perception by manipulating gravity. No, it only focuses on the weight of something.

I pulled out my phone and called my father, "Hey Dad, do you know of anyone who can hide large objects? Like to make them and everything inside completely invisible?"

My father laughed, "Well, I am certain that your bodyguard Corrig could do that. He was the anomaly in Imperios in his family."

"That would make sense as to why when I am in public, no one seems to care that I am there."

"Does that solve your problem? And what is your problem, exactly?" My father inquired through the phone.

"Do not tell Mom, and if I learn that you tell her, there will be a heavy price to pay. I have found a fuel source that is the equivalent to that on Aquarius to power our ship. And something else I have hidden from you is that Jazz has awakened and requested assistance. Only my assistance and who I believe will help." I spoke quietly, despite being in my small office in the warehouse.

"Oh. I wish she had texted us."

"You know how she was. She didn't want to risk your lives when someone else could be there with her."

"But gravity has nothing compared to what plants can do! Or teleportation! Or your brother's ability to make rare metals!" My father exclaimed as if he was going to win the argument.

"No, perhaps not. But it also can make things weigh over a ton per millimeter." I countered, and with that came silence. I knew that I had won this argument.

"Please come back safe, both of you. In fact, all three of you. And anyone else you plan to bring." My father pleaded, and I felt bad about letting him know about it all now rather than earlier.

"I will try. I will pray to the gods for a safe journey back to Aquarius." I replied, hanging up the phone on him.

I sat in my office, staring at all the papers. Outside of the office was Corrig mixing the multiple rocks and liquids to make extra fuel. Besides being a bodyguard, he was a fantastic chemist, so I trusted him rather than me to make the fuel safely. Parker was checking everything to ensure that I had enough food, water, and other materials to last to Aquarius and back potentially.

Opening the office door, I spoke a bit loudly, "Corrig, I thought your imperio was flames?"

Corrig responded, "Technically, I have two. But I only told you one. Let me guess, your father told you."

"Yeah. Your imperio of hiding objects will help a ton. We will only need it until we get out of the atmosphere when I can enable the Shimmershield."

"Who all are we bringing on the daring journey back to Aquarius?" Corrig inquired.

"Well, I was planning on you and Parker. Anyone else you think we could use?" I responded, counting the two of them off on my fingers.

"What about one of the Riveras? Perhaps get that water-imperio one, Lacey."

"I don't suppose you know where they are?"

"I found Lacey the other day, but she told me to be hush about it. She was separated from her family, so we only have her."

"Would you happen to have her number?"

"Yeah, take my phone off of the table right there." Corrig pointed to the table on his left.

The Glass Weaver | A Novel #Wattys2018 #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now