christmas fluff

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obligatory christmas chapter yay !!! i hope you guys like it :3c


Lucas's breaths came out in puffs between chattering teeth. He loved the cold, but this was seriously too much. He was thankful for his double layering of everything, even his gloves, that protected him from the cold. He held Ness's present in his hands, hoping that he would like it and going over what he would say when he gave it to him in his head over and over again. "I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted but I hope you enjoy it." He recited it out loud as he stared at his feet marching through the snow. He heard Christmas music playing from the shops he passed and smiled at the new carols he was still learning the words to. It was Christmas Eve; a new tradition Lucas had never heard of. Ness's family invited Lucas's over for Christmas day, but Lucas wanted to give this gift to Ness now. It would keep him up all night in worry otherwise. "Merry Christmas, Lucas." A shopkeeper greeted Lucas and waved at him, asking him if he wanted to come inside due to the numbing temperature biting at any skin he didn't have bundled up. "I-I'm fine, thank you a lot, though." Lucas pulled his scarf up to his mouth and walked faster, sighing in relief when Ness's house came into sight on top of the hill. He ran up the hill as fast as he could and rapped on the door, greeted by a Ness who looked more than cozy.

"Geez, dude. Why are you outside in the cold? Come in!" "I wanted to bring you your present tonight," Ness took off Lucas's hat and shook the snow off while Lucas took off his boots, welcoming the warmth. "I know I could've b-brought it t-tomorrow, but-" His stutter and shivers began to come together and Ness cut him off, "It's fine, let's just get you warmed up already. Hey mom, can you get some more cocoa going?" He took Lucas's scarf and hung it up with his jacket and disappeared into his room. Lucas looked at the TV. It was still so weird with all these new things that Lucas never had in Tazmily. Eerily similar to a happy box, unpleasant memories began to flood back to Lucas before remembering more pleasant ones. "You've never seen Rudolph?!" He remembered Ness shouting in bewildered awe after Lucas asked what was playing on the TV roughly a week ago. "Make yourself at home," Ness's mom snapped him out of his memories, inviting Lucas to the couch that had heaters surrounding it. Lucas looked nervously at the glowing coils before plopping himself down and turning his gaze to the TV, wondering where Ness could be.

"Here you go!" Ness threw several blankets on top of Lucas and jumped beside him, wrapping a blanket around himself. "Why this many?" Lucas said, throwing a heavy blanket off of himself. "Don't you know how cold it is outside? It's like 10 degrees out there!" Lucas laughed it off and slumped under the remaining few blankets he hadn't thrown off. There wasn't anything wrong with being warm, but being too hot is just as bad as being too cold. "Ness, why don't you give Lucas his present too?" "Oh, yeah!" Ness jumped off of the couch and towards the tree where he grabbed a box with Lucas's name scrawled on the tag. "Here you go, open it!" Lucas looked up at him, "Oh, okay." He mumbled. He hated being watched, but it was a gift, and he would do it for Ness. He unwrapped it after some difficulty, was it really necessary for that many pieces of tape? "Sorry, I should probably learn how to wrap better..." Ness rubbed his neck flusteredly and smiled when Lucas finally uncapped the box. "Sorry, it's not the best. I just know you've been talking about Pokémon and all-" Lucas's eyes showed how much he admired the gift and Ness quickly hushed. "It-It's so cute!" It was a Pikachu plush. It was so chubby and cute and- it was kind of embarrassing to get so excited over a plushie. "Wh-Why don't you open yours? I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted but I hope you like it..." Lucas trailed off as Ness quickly ripped through the intricate wrapping and gasped. "You said it wasn't anything big, why'd you have to lie?!" "What?" Lucas face expressed obvious confusion. "Dude, I only spent like twenty dollars on your gift! This had to be at least a hundred, this is a big gift-" "I just said it wasn't big because I didn't know if you wanted one or not, I was afraid you wouldn't like it." "Who wouldn't want a Gameboy?" Lucas stared off for a minute, then turned back to Ness. "S-So, do you like i-it?" Ness stared at him and then started laughing, "Seriously, what're you so nervous for? I love it!" Lucas let out a sigh of relief and hugged the stuffed animal close. "I'll take you home, you don't need to walk through that again." "Thanks, oh, Merry Christmas." "Merry Christmas." Ness smiled as he turned up the TV. Seriously, who wouldn't like a gift like that?


a/n OK time to go to bed !!! :') merry christmas guys, i hope you get what you want. i accidentally saw im getting a nintendo switch so im excited :D i hope i get smash >:0

for christmas i want better writing skills tbh. this is so OOC and awkward but when the characters talk like twice in their games i guess there's a lot you have to assume-

when writing fluffy-ish stuff i get so embarassed for the characters for some reason and just asjsfilgdisgjl i have to take a moment and regroup lol

seriously though, happy holidays!!!

ill continue writing chapter 4 tomorrow <3

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