X [updated]

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Ness awoke to a softly snoring Lucas. Why was he just asleep outside? Why were they just asleep outside? The events of just hours prior filled his mind.

Oh god, why'd he spill his guts out to Lucas like that? It's not like he could help it — look at him, as he slept, he noticed how tranquil he looked. His hair softly fell over his eyes from its product and right now the moonlight illuminated it to make it look even more platinum than it was. His skin was pale, and — god, he needed to stop looking at his best friend this way. He hated that he thought like a cliched movie teen in love. He glanced at his watch: 1:48 a.m. His mom had to be worried sick. What about Lucas's dad? What about Lucas?

His thoughts returned to his mom. He couldn't go back. Not after what happened. His mom would have at him the moment he walked in the door. She isn't even worried — she has to be disappointed. Furious. He wouldn't be allowed to have anyone over ever again or go anywhere. It'd be a miracle if he even got to play ball this season. If coach got wind that he got in a fight he might let it slide since he was a good player, but god knows in this town that no one wants a gay guy being the star player. He started to choke up and remembered the sleeping boy beside him, stopping himself. What would Lucas think of him now? That he's weak? That he's weird? That he's just trying to use him? He didn't necessarily want to think of Lucas as a bad person, it's just when everyone around you turns on you for something you can't help, something you've tried so hard to hide, you don't know who to trust anymore.

When Lucas turned in his sleep, Ness smiled a bit. He was glad Lucas got a bit of peace right now.

He looked up towards the night sky. It was still extremely clear. The air was chilly, and he wasn't sure how they hadn't woken up from the cold. Sure, Lucas had a sweater on, but that couldn't be warm at all, at least not right now. Ness fought with himself about whether or not to wake Lucas up to take him inside before ultimately deciding that it was best for him. He shouldn't catch a cold because of him. He shook Lucas's shoulder, making Lucas turn away and curl up. He obviously didn't want be disturbed. Ness groaned, shaking him again.

"We need to go inside, it's really chilly, I don't want you to catch a cold, please?" He shook Lucas's shoulder again and earned a "mmn" noise from Lucas, an eye peeking open. He seemed rather annoyed at being woken up.

"I don't know how you're comfortable out here. Let's get inside and lay on the bed." Lucas, groggy and eager to get back to sleep, simply obliged.

Ness took him by the hand and led him to the bed.

He waited for Lucas to situate himself before asking, "Are you comfortable? Well, as comfortable as you can get?" Ness asked.

"Nn." Lucas replied. Ness took that as confirmation and pulled out a blanket and some pillows tucked in-between the nightstand and bed. He handed a pillow to Lucas, threw the blanket over him, and tried to crawl under it without disturbing him.

"Sorry for waking you up. Goodnight."

"-ght," He heard Lucas whisper and snoring follow shortly after. Ness let out a huff of laughter and put his arms on his chest. He really was going crazy, huh? He stared up at the hole in the ceiling, his racing thoughts keeping him from sleeping any time he tried closing his eyes. Tomorrow (well, technically today, but who cared) was Saturday, right? Lucas could stay the night and he could actually get everything off of his chest. After delusional planning, he finally tricked himself into falling asleep.

Yet again, he was the first to wake up. He looked at his watch for the time, shocked it was still dark outside. It was around 5:30, his eyes still blurry but he could care less about the specifics. He saw Lucas was still sleeping, which was unusual. It wasn't actually that unusual noting the time, but it was weird for Ness to wake up first. He guessed his mind was still racing too much for him to get a good rest. He decided to go to a convenience store to get them some things to eat at least. He was thankful he had his wallet on him. A morning jog wouldn't be too bad to get himself awake and his mind off of things.

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