So I see a whole bunch of diaries/rant books on here and realize that I want to rant about the daily shit in my life.
So I guess I'll start with school. I have school in two days..
What. No.
I feel like we had 3 weeks off and were going back to school only with new schedules, new teachers, new classes, and new people.
Ugh. It sucks for me because I'm going to my current highschool for only 2 weeks!
I'm moving and my new highschool is right next to my new neighborhood -.- which means walking to school for me. whoo hoo. (sarcasm)
I'm not that lazy. its just I don't feel like walking in the heat, cold, rain... or any type of NATURE. id rather be in some type of transportation device. An airplane would be nice. It would be a short ride. But hey.. I don't have to walk.
Its currently 5:36 am. I cannot sleep. My bffs went to sleep. My other friends are sleep and I'm just sitting here like:
Me: *hears crickets chirpping* At least I have the crickets
Crickets: *stop chirpping and looks at me* hops away
Me: *Forever alone.*
SPEAKING of forever alone... I am legit forever alone. All my friends have bfs or whatever and I have my pillow pet. (which is now only fabric because my stepdad sat on her and she's flat.. forever.)
So yeah I gots no one :c
I hate relationships anyway -.-
WHO AM I KIDDING?! I wanna be in one so bad!!
okay well I semi- ranted for now. I'm gonna try and get some sleep. Hopefully I have a dream about having a boyfriend. LOL. I'm so ugly.
Goodnight.. or morning.. or whatever.