The Postcard

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Zoe's POV:

I shoot wake, after having another nightmare about Grandpa's death. I look over to see Jake sweating in his sleep, I climb out of bed and walk over to him. I gently shake him.

"Jake?" I ask, he shoots awake. "Jake, calm down. It was just a dream." I say. He looks to me and pulls me into a hug. He lays back down and I sit next to him, stroking his head. "Tomorrow's another day." I say.

Today our dad has taken myself and Jake to Grandpa's house to pack up his things. Today is also Jake's birthday, they picked a happy day to do a sad task.

Jake and I are looking through some boxes and I find a picture of Grandpa, Jake and I. I smile and hand it over to Jake.

"You find something good?" Dad asks, he comes over and looks at the photo, "That's awesome. You should keep that." He says, almost no grief in his voice. "Come on, buddies, lets roll."

"How are you so okay?" I ask him.

"Zoe, Jakey, you were both a lot closer to him then I ever was." Dad replies. "He was a wonderful grandpa, but not such a great dad." Dad then walks and sits on the couch. "He never seemed to pick a job that didn't involve late nights or long trips away. Me and Aunt Susie always kind of thought he was, maybe, cheating on our mom." I look down at my feet, completely doubting what dad was saying. "I'm sorry. I know how much you worshipped him, but there it is."

"Well, I don't believe it. Grandpa would never do that, he loved this family and would have never cheated. You may not seem to act like you care, but I do." I say in anger, storming out of the house and into the car.

We then drive back to ours, myself ignoring dad and listening to my music. We get back tot he house and we are met with a gathering of people, "SURPRISE!" they shout. I assume this was mum's attempt to lighten the mood, since recent events.

I ignore everyone and just walk straight to mine and Jake's room, I flop onto my bed and look over to see Jake doing the same. We then hear a knock on the door.

"It's Aunt Susie." She says, opening the door and walking in. She hands Jake a gift. "Thought you might wanna open this one, it's from your grandpa. Found it while I was packing up, I figured he meant to give it to you one day."

"Thanks." Jake says, and Aunt Susie leaves the room. I hear Jake open the package, but I don't watch- not wanting to be nosy. "Zo, look at this." Jake says, I walk over to him and he hands me a postcard:

On the front it says Cairnholm, I turn it over and see it's sent to Grandpa

"My Dearest Abe,

I hope this postcard finds you well. The children and I yearn to hear your news.

I do hope you will visit us again soon. We should so love to see you.

With admiration,

Alma Peregrine."

After telling mom and dad that we wanted to go and visit this woman, they look worried and call a session with Dr Golan. Right now we are in her room, she is looking over the postcard and myself, Jake, mom and dad are awaiting her response.

"Hmm. Only two years ago." Dr Golan says. "I suppose it's still possible she could still be alive."

"Right." Jake says. "We could meet her. Maybe even find out what it was Grandpa wanted me to know."

"But what if she's dead?" Mom says, she then turns to Dr Golan. "Dr Golan, we are very concerned with Jake and Zoe's state of mind right now. There's no way I'm putting my life on hold to take you to Wales."

"Dad could take us." I say. "And he can look at birds and work on his book. It means you get a break."

"And as Dr Golan said," Jake continues. "Maybe we can move on. Like, closure."

"Having an opportunity to see this children's home and separate fantasy from reality, may be helpful." Dr Golan says, "And at the very least a trip like this provides a chance to say goodbye."

I look over and smile at Jake, we are going to Wales.

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