Chapter 10- The fight

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'It's time' I began panicking. I might look like a girl who doesn't give a fuck. But actually that's just my mask to hide my fear. I'm mom's strong girl. "Guys, I can hear them coming" Jesse said softly, making her way upstairs. "We should go, alright? You have to hide down there" Calum pointed at another staircase that led to the real basement.

"What? Hide? No I got to fight with you guys" I frowned. "No you're not, are you crazy? A little scratch from us can rip your head off" Calum shook his head "But I can't let you risk your life for me while I'm just sitting there, waiting" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air. "Stay here" He demanded before everyone else went outside. I followed them, not outside, but I just watched from behind the windows.

I could see everything clearly. Ashton's pack was prepared quickly, they all stood there, still in their human form, their back facing me. And soon enough, Alex' pack appeared too, everyone began growling, but they didn't fight, they began talking. I frowned by the sight and I wanted to go outside, to hear what they were saying.

A stunning girl's eyes were piercing right through mine. I stared back, frowning as the girl whispered something to Alex, making him look at me too. A smirk appeared on his disgusting face and soon enough, almost everyone was looking at me, but my gaze was locked on Alex'. I couldn't take it anymore as I ran outside.

"Hope! Get the fuck inside, you're going to get hurt!" Ashton growled, but I didn't listen as I made my way to Calum. When I stood right next to him, I could hear everything clearly from what Alex was still explaining. "So if I just can have you or your little girl over there, we don't have to fight" His evil smile grew by the end of the sentence. Calum looked down at me with an apologetic smile, then back at Alex. "Fine" He took small steps, towards the other pack. "No!" I yelled and ran up to him, blocking his path.

"Everything's going to be fine" He whispered. "Are you nuts? It's not going to be fine! I prefer fighting 'till death than losing one of my best friends" I turned around again, walking further. Calum yelled to stop me, but I kept coming closer to the other pack. Alex looked down at me, smirking. "So is it you or your friend?"

"No one, you dick" I spit in his face, making him growl loudly. Before he could even turn into a wolf, I jumped on his back, trying to get him on the ground. But of course I couldn't. I kept kicking my boots on his back, scratching his face with my nails and pulling his hair. But he didn't move a muscle. "That wasn't smart, little girl" He picked me up from his back and put me on the ground, not harming me, before he turned into a wolf and everyone followed his movements, doing the same.

I backed away as Alex turned into a wolf, with red glowing eyes and huge claws. He was clearly a foul wolf, everyone of his pack was. First, he looked around for a moment, but then suddenly, he pierced his blood red eyes through me, growling and slowly coming closer. He was scaring the hell out of me. 'Oh shit' I looked around, for some weapon or something to defend myself from this monster.

As I backed away, I felt my foot was stuck between two twigs and it was like I fell on the ground in slow motion. When Alex was about to jump on top of me, I grabbed a branch that was laying there like it was meant to be my weak weapon and pointed the peak at him, making him laugh weirdly since he's still a wolf. 'So that's how wolves laugh'

Just when he was about to attack me, he was thrown away, against a big tree. It was Calum. He saved me once more.

"Now go inside!" I heard Ashton shout before he also turned. Now I hadn't another option, so I obliged. But of course, that girl from Alex' pack chased me. I could slam the door close just in time, I even think it was against her face. Not knowing what to do, I hid in the kitchen, holding my breath. "Where are you, little bitch?" She sang, coming closer to my hiding place.

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