The truth is revealed

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Yes this is a day late for my story to be posted but I really wanted to get it perfectly! Anyway you've waited way too long. Here you go!

"You know you really should talk to Hermione. She's pretty messed up about the whole you-not-remembering-her." Luna shyly brought up in her conversation to Ginny.

"What the hell Luna! I thought you were on my side! I told you that I didn't want to talk to her!" Ginny whisper-screamed to the Ravenclaw in the great hall.

"Wow Ginny I didn't think you were so sensitive about the whole situation! I'm sorry." Luna apologized maybe seeing a small tear well up in Ginny's eye maybe just a glimmer of light that reflected into her vision.

"Well it does so can we just drop it?" Ginny muttered under her breath so silence that it was barely audible. Luna nodded in response and the subject was dropped as the girls stayed silent for the rest of their Saturday lunch.

"Excuse me." Ginny accidentally ran into Dean on the way into the Gryffindor common later that day. She ran in after muttering the password scanning the room before flopping down on the nearest couch.

Believing the room to be empty she let out a soft whimper and groan before a gentle voice called out: "Are you ok Ginny?" She recognized the voice right away. It was Hermione.

She shot up it shock. "Yeah fine." She answered unable to convince even herself.

"Luna said you wanted to talk to me." Hermione's tone remained the same. Stone cold.

"Luna told you that? I can't believe her." Ginny's rant began.

"I can't believe that she would tell you that when it's so not true. I told her to drop it. Ugh I thought she was a good friend-"

"Why did you say that you didn't want to speak to me anymore?" Hermione cut off Ginny with a change in tone.

Ginny continued pretending she didn't hear her. "I just thought Luna was better then this! I mean it's unbelieva-"

"GINNY WHY DID YOU SAY YOU DIDN'T TO TALK TO ME ANYMORE?" Hermione yelled, sure that she could understand her this time.

Ginny stopped talking and looked into the other girls eyes "I'm sorry Mi I just, I didn't know what-"

Hermione eyes darted to the floor and a look of anger was replaced with a confused one. "Wait" she muttered. But Ginny couldn't hear, she was still in her apologetic state.

"I didn't know what to do, I mean I didn't know who you were. I didn't remember you and you did, and you had all these ideas of who I should be and I couldn't live up to them-"

"WAIT!" Ginny looked shocked at Hermione's outburst. "You called me Mi, I didn't tell you that you called me Mi. Who told you that you call me Mi?" Hermione lifted her head wand walked towards the other girl when she made her accusations. Ginny backed away still being followed by the other girl.

"It's a pretty common nickname..." Ginny stuttered after being pinned to the wall of their deserted common room. It was in the middle of a quidditch game so most of the Gryffindors had gone to cheer on their team against Slytherin. Ginny had planned to go but now quidditch was that last thing on her mind.

"It's not a common nickname Gin that was your nickname for me and no one else knew and no one else called me that so how did you know?" Ginny looked at the ground unable to look at the angered girl with the tears that filled Ginny's eyes and the regret that filled her heart.

Hermione stood there holding Ginny to the wall motionless until her face turned sad and horrified and she stepped back.

"You couldn't have known that unless, unless you knew everything. Unless your memory suddenly came back and you remembered everything. But that's crazy right? I'M CRAZY RIGHT GINNY? BECAUSE IF YOU GOT YOUR MEMORY BACK THEN YOU WOULD HAVE TOLD ME AND WE WOULD BE TOGETHER AGAIN AND I WOULDN'T HAVE SUFFERED ALL THIS TIME. SO I'M CRAZY RIGHT GINNY? RIGHT?" Ginny looked into the angry tear stained eyes of the other girl.

"We could never have been together anyway. I thought I was doing everyone a favor by pretending that I forgot you. Then we could have a fresh start and no one had to get hurt."

Hermione looked away in disbelief and then back again. "Except I got hurt Ginny. You hurt me! Did you ever even lose your memory or was that all a fake too?"

"I did... for a couple weeks. But then I remembered and I couldn't... I couldn't do that to Ron again. I just thought I was-"

"I can't listen to your pathetic excuses anymore!" Hermione yelled storming off and landing in her dorm room slamming the door hard.

People started to flood back into the common room chanting the name of "The Famous Harry Potter- Winner of the Quidditch Game." None noticing the tiny red-head curled in the corner spilling tears out of her face, reaction-less at her latest encounter with Hermione.

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