Chapter 1

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 Shiro didn't fail nor did he break the simulator, of course not, he just was too good for technology of his time; the bucket of bolts couldn't keep up with his speed. Even his teachers didn't know if to fail, punish or congratulate him, but it didn't matter seeing as thanks to him the exam was null and void. He'd hoped Adam would be impressed with the great score he made that day, the thought of a conversation with the bored boy made Shiro's heart skip but two weeks had gone, and they were yet talk. now he had changed his motto. His new purpose here was to become the youngest fastest pilot the Garrison will ever see and to become friends with Adam Wright. who knows maybe as they get older there will be a 'boy' in front the 'friend.'

Sadly though, only the first part of his plan seemed to be in motion. He had heard that Adam was around his age unlike the other cadets but no matter how much he tried the boy just simply ignored him or glared before walking off. Shiro didn't understand what he was doing wrong, he was acting exactly like how the article in the magazine Teenage Style said he should. He offered to carry his books, asked questions about his personal life, complimented him and even invited him over. The female cadets seemed to adore Shiro and since he was only eleven one of the boys looked out of him, even his teachers thought he was a diamond in the rough. So where was he going wrong with Adam? That's when it hit him, Adam reminded him so much of himself back in Japan, silent and always alone, maybe all he needs to do is silently stick with him, then Adam will eventually grow used to him.

And so, operation 'Friendship' was a go, all too little Adam's dismay, after this there wasn't a time where Shiro wasn't by his side. Not that it was any different before but now instead of being his usual loud and frankly obnoxious self, the boy was so silent that Adam sometimes forgot he was there, but he would not be the one to point it out. Sure, he liked this quiet side to Takashi, but it was like having a depressed ghost shadowing his every step. It was creepy and neither of them seemed to like it, but it would be troublesome to point out, so Adam let him test his patients. It went on like this for almost a month until he overheard teachers wondering if Takashi was being bullied, that was the last straw.

Needing to put this to an end Adam decided he would have to solve this conflict himself. Knowing Takashi would follow him, Adam went to the upper level of the library where not even the librarians bothered to check and as Takashi got seated, Adam pitched the heaviest book in his hand at the younger boy's head.

"ETETETE! Why would you do that man?!" Takashi screamed as he held onto both the table and his head with teary eyes, Adam almost snorted at how adorable and of his age he looked for once. No, this was not the time the get side tracked.

"Well at least we know you're not mute," he nonchalantly stated as he picks up his textbook and slipped into the seat opposite of pouting boy. Before Takashi went back into the silent shell, he continued, "Care to explain why you suddenly started giving everyone the silent treatment?"

He felt wide eyes staring into his soul but didn't look up until the prodigy spoke.

"I, well, I guessed that you didn't like how loud I was trying to be and, well, so I tried to be quiet, so you would like me," his words were so innocent, its shocked Adam, only then he realized that little Takashi obviously never had a proper friend. He felt bad but understood where he was coming from, seeing as Adam was in the same boat also. He sighed and got up, that's no way he could focused on studying now, especially not with the sweet boy opposite him almost ready to explode.

"Well thanks to your little experiment we learned that I can't stand you either way, so just be you okay," and they also found out that though Takashi was smart and alone like Adam, he was still an innocent kid at heart and Adam admired this. With this said, Takashi immediately cheered up and his mouth never seemed to close after that day and though Adam would never admit it out loud, he would have it no other way.

"So Mr. Wright, how old are you anyways?" Takashi spoke right off the bat as they both made their way out the library.

"Do not call me that,"

"Only if you call me Shiro, Mr. Wright for me~,"

"Blackmail and Seduction! And here I thought you were sweet and innocent," Adam said walking further ahead so Shiro wouldn't see the change in expression. He was only thirteen, but he read a lot, Maybe too much.

"Huh? Hey mattete! I may only know what half that sentence meant but did you just say I'm sweet. I knew you liked me."

Adam only response to this was a quicker pace, this boy would surely be the death of him and he really couldn't be bothered. "If you must know, I'm thirteen," he said in hopes to distract the boy.

"Oh, that's two years more than me. So, you are old," Score, it worked like a charm. This conversation can't go wrong.

"Actually, it's one year since my birthday is today," Shiro gasped at this and at that moment Adam knew he messed up, he messed up big time and no amount of speedy walking could save him now. He didn't have to look back to know the exasperated look on Takashi's face as he sprouted words of parties and friends. Adam got a headache just thinking about, he never celebrated his birthday before so why should he start now.

"Takashi, I do not want your pity party-"

"Then just spend this evening with me," the boy countered with equal bite, he eyes shining with determination, its bewildered Adam that he could make such an expression over a simple birthday. He knew birthday's might a lot to other children, but he didn't think someone would get so worked up over him.

His heart fluttered for the first time and he felt warmth build in his chest, this emotion was so much more that happiness, but he'll just label it that until it had a word to describe this overflowing warmth.

"Fine," Adam sighed tryingto grab at his chest as his saw the determined eyes melt into a look that made thewarmth expand so much that he could barely breathe. 

He was so right, this boy would be the death of him.

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