Chapter 2

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You could search through every dictionary made but you would never find a word to properly describe the feelings swirling through young Shiro. Right after he made such a big deal over inviting Adam over he realized he had nothing prepared, he couldn't fail now otherwise Adam would never come over again. This was a serious matter of life and death, therefore to buy himself some time he told Adam to go shower and change into something comfortable to get the full experience. Of course, he knew he was spouting nonsense but what was he supposed to say, thankfully Adam seemed to be in a daze and just nodded his head with walking away, he would be worried later.

He couldn't make a cake in two hours, so he did the next best time, buying two dozen cupcakes and one large blue berry muffin that he always saw Adam eating when they weren't in class and two most any drink he could afford. He then needed at least balloons to make it seem like a party, but sadly it wasn't like he could find that or anything else party related in the Garrison, so once again improvisation, colourful construction paper on stings kind of looks like streamers... Right? So, with streamers hanging from the walls and ceiling; thank to climbing onto every stable piece of furniture, all he needed now, was music.

Thankfully, Adam had an alarm set on his watch that goes off periodically when his studying, the song was a symphony of techno beats with piano. After searching through his streamer, he found it was an old genre of music called EDM, it was catchy but strange that Adam was such an old soul, but never the less he found a playlist of so-called famous music of that era with unknown musicians like, Mashmello?

Knock Knock


Shit. This was probably the first time that Shiro really felt raw fear as he shouted for a few minutes he scanned the room for the fifth time; everything seemed to be in place, but he still like he forget something.


He was still in his Garrison pants and he made such a big deal about clothes before. What was he even supposed to put on, he said comfortable but what does that even mean?! He threw on an old jeans and the first dress shirt in his closet, hopefully he didn't look as disheveled as he felt. He opened the door with his heart in his throat, if he messed this up Adam might never celebrate his birthday again, this needed to be perfect.

"This is stupid," thought Adam as he got tired of waiting. Takashi was probably currently trying to think up an excuse to get out of this. All Adam's doubts were blown away by the wipe lash of the door sliding open to revel a disheveled Takashi, like an extremely ragged, his shirt wasn't even buttoned properly, and he was passing a hand throw his messy hair as if to style. Adam felt uncomfortable now with his gelled down hair and grey sweater with a make shift popped collar. At least he made the right choice wearing only his marking socks and ¾ black denim jeans.

"Happy Birthday Adam," Takashi unceremoniously chuckled as he stepped back letting Adam view his make shift party decorations. 'This is why he looked like this and he did this for me?' Adam thought scanning the room for the second time, it was horrid and almost a mess, but it was all for him even after he made such a big deal of not wanting anything and hating Takashi. His chest expanded once again as the warmth burned furiously, this time he could help but clutch his chest to feel the erratic pumping of his heart. Surely his blood vessels couldn't keep up, he felt like he would drop dead any second, but god be damned if this wasn't the most alive he ever felted in his entire life.

"Your crying?! Is it that bad? I'm really sorry."


He touched his face and it was wet; he was crying. Was he going insane from this boy's kindness? As he directed his attention to Takashi, Adam was met with fear ridden eyes and he could help but let out a laugh at the cute expression on the sweet boy's face.

To think after he worked on his barriers for most of his life, brainwashing himself that he was fine with nothing and no one, this random free spirit Takashi Shirogane was the one to know what he always wanted even when he didn't. a When he saw the confused expression on the poor boy's face, Adam softly brought him into an embrace, nestling himself in the crotch of Takashi's neck.

"Thank you," Adam whispered as another wave of warmth hit him, "Thank you for everything, Shiro."

To mood from there on out was fully carried my Adam's whims, as poor Shiro was too confused to understand what had changed but everything Adam smiled or laughed at something he did, he realized he didn't really care, that smiled was all they needed at the moment at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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