Chapter 26 - A Tear in Reality Pt. 1

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After getting fondled and receiving countless kisses from the girls, they opened their gifts. You thought about how you fell for Slenda's trap, when as if she were reading your mind, she approached you.

Slenda: You've got a bit of lipstick on your cheek.

(Y/n): I have lipstick everywhere. You of all people should know that.

She laughed.

Slenda: How did you not see that coming?

(Y/n): I let my guard down, since I didn't know I was walking into the lion's den.

You went to the bathroom to wash your face off. There wasn't a patch of skin that wasn't covered in lipstick. You splashed the water onto your face and cleaned it up. When you looked into the mirror, your doppelganger was nowhere to be found.

But you weren't complaining, you didn't want to see him anytime soon. You walked into your room, and upon seeing Lazari's photo on your desk, grabbed your phone and gave her a call.

Lazari: H-Hello?

(Y/n): Hey, it's (Y/n).

Lazari: Oh, I see. You're not mad at me for what happened right?

(Y/n): No, I know your mom was the one responsible for that. I wanted to talk to you in person.

Lazari: Really? About what?

(Y/n): Something important. Meet me at my old house, and try not to be followed.

Lazari: Umm, ok. Where's that?

You gave her your old address and left the mansion. Having told Slenda to warp you home on your command, you headed to your old house. You could feel a knot forming in your gut, and did your best to ignore it.

It was still relatively early, so you imagined most people would be occupied with opening their gifts and spending time with their families. You hurried to your house.

Lazari had to sneak out of the mansion without being seen. Her mom would no doubt refuse her request to leave. She wanted her safety, after all. Lazari was very lucky that the girls took a liking to Madison, otherwise she would've felt even worse about herself.

The majority of the proxies were asleep, save for a few that mindlessly wandered around. She stood at the entrance, and slowly opened the large doors, before slipping out.

Once she was in the clear she ran to your house. She found you sitting on a porch, with your mask on. You were writing something in a small journal, when she greeted you.

Lazari: Hi (Y/n).

(Y/n): Hello Lazari.

Lazari: What did you want to speak about?

(Y/n): My sister. You have her, I want her back.

Lazari: I... I wouldn't be able to get her away from the mansion. She's mentally bound to Zalga, just like the other proxies.

(Y/n): Then figure out a way.

Lazari: There's no way of sneaking her out.

You stopped writing.

(Y/n): Is that so?

Lazari: Yes! You have to believe me!

(Y/n): I suppose that's ok.

You stood up and turned towards her.

(Y/n): I guess that means I'm taking you home.

Lazari: What-?

[Hiatus] Irony, Or Fate? - Female Creepypastas x Male Vigilante Reader Where stories live. Discover now