Chapter 27 - A Tear In Reality Pt. 2

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There were fireworks going off, and you had the feeling that it wasn't anything to cheer about. You and your newfound team left the woods to investigate.

You found the culprit within minutes, as he'd left behind a trail of bodies. By the time you made it to him he decapitated someone with a pair of garden shears. Their head rolled away as he turned his head to you.

(??): A survivor? Or someone to stop me?

He wore a black tracksuit with a red and black ballistic mask. You looked to Fearzy.

(Y/n): That guy kind of looks like you.

Fearzy: I'm not insane though.

(??): You're here to hunt me down aren't you? You're here to kill me!

He was getting paranoid from what you could tell. That was good, you could use that against him. You spoke.

(Y/n): Maybe I am.

He started laughing to himself.

(??): Hehe, you can try...

He split the garden shears, holding each blade by it's handle.

(??): You won't take me alive. I won't let you!

Waylone: That man isn't all there.

Cookie: The dude is nuts.

(Y/n): It's a four on one. Do you like those odds?

He looked at your group. He was outnumbered, and quickly pulled a smoke bomb from his backpack. He lit it up and threw it to the ground before running for it.

You chased him, your squad close behind. He got onto a rooftop, so you ran up a wall to follow him. Waylone and Fearzy covered the ground, while Cookie was following you on the rooftop.

He shot an arrow at the guys ankle but narrowly missed. It definitely spooked him, as he began to run faster. He jumped off the roof and landed on a car. You landed on the ground and rolled to avoid hurting your feet. You looked back to Cookie.

(Y/n): The guy's quick, I'll give him that much.

Cookie: Not quick enough.

You looked forward to see Fearzy shoulder bash him, effectively dropping him to the ground. The guy was catching his breath as you grabbed him.

(Y/n): Who the hell are you? And what are you doing here?

(??): I was just getting a streak going, you stopped that. I should kill you.

(Y/n): You don't shut it and I'll permanently end your streak.

(??): Am I your biggest concern though?

(Y/n): What do you mean?

(??): The number of people I've killed, nothing compared to the number the others have.

Waylone: The others?

(??): I've seen a few others that look like they'd be something you would want to focus on. But you don't think, do you?

Cookie: Who are you talking about?

(??): I saw a sniper camped out on a roofop three blocks from here, a plague doctor, and a guy who had fucking electric wires coming out of his fingers. And here you are, concerned about a guy with a pair of garden shears?

He started laughing maniacally.

(Y/n): What's your name?

Shade: My first name is William, but you can call me Shade. You're funny, I want to tag along with whatever it is you plan on doing.

[Hiatus] Irony, Or Fate? - Female Creepypastas x Male Vigilante Reader Where stories live. Discover now