Chapter 39 - A Change For The Better Pt. 1

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After you told Ann and Amelia what had happened, they had various things to say. They mostly had questions, which you answered to the best of your ability.

After a while, the 3 of you passed out. You slept for a bit, and when you woke up, Ann was sitting patiently in a chair next to the bed.

(Y/n): Good morning Ann.

Ann: Good morning (Y/n)~

Though you said good morning, there wasn't any sunlight outside. It was still dark, and you turned to her.

(Y/n): What time is it?

Ann glanced over to a clock on the wall.

Ann: 5:30, the sun has yet to rise.

(Y/n): Any idea on when I can get out of this bed?

Ann: Well, seeing as how I'm the best nurse around, either sometime today or tomorrow.

(Y/n): So not for a while. How do my wounds look?

Ann: Well, you weren't lying when you said that Phantom did a number on you. There were cuts and gashes everywhere, and your arm needed to be treated as well. And that's not counting the missing eye. Did he pop your shoulder out of it's socket?

(Y/n): Before he took me to the mansion, yes.

Ann: Ever consider bringing medical supplies with you whenever you leave?

(Y/n): I used to carry a small amount of supplies with me on my nightly patrols.

Ann: How did it pay off?

(Y/n): I once got shot in the arm. I couldn't go to the hospital, so I had to treat it by myself.

Ann: Well this is much more than just a bullet wound.

(Y/n): No kidding, but thankfully you said I should be ok by tomorrow or the day after, right?

Ann: That is correct.

(Y/n): I want to be out of here as soon as possible.

Ann: I know, but you need to recover first. Your body can only take so much.

(Y/n): I know I'm definitely pushing its limits.

Ann: Do you think you might be able to fall asleep? You might not be tired, but your body could use the rest.

(Y/n): I'll give it a try.

You closed your eyes, and although you didn't feel tired, your fatigue took over, and you passed out. A couple of hours later the sun rose, and Amelia began to wake up. She rubbed her eyes, and got up from her chair. As she stretched her arms, she asked,

Amelia: So how is he doing?

Ann: He's seen better days, but he'll pull through.

Amelia: I hope so.

She gave you another kiss on the cheek.

Amelia: I don't think I could handle him leaving.

Ann: He'll be out for a while, let's get breakfast?

Amelia: Sounds good, I'm hungry.

The two girls left the room, and though they didn't notice her, Lazari was standing behind the corner. When they were out of earshot, she came into the clinic. She took a long look at your body, and flinched when she thought about the bandage that covered your eye.

Lazari: I don't know if you can hear me. But I wanted to say sorry.

She shifted her feet.

Lazari: Scaria feels bad too, though she won't show it. I know what my mom is doing isn't right, and I know that you want her back.

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