RLT 13: Comparison and Love for Self

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Why do we compare ourselves to other people? Is it because they already look better physically? Is it because of the way they act: the way they talk or the way they move? Is it because of what they have?

It is hard to tell which the main reason for comparison is. What each have in common is that comparison hurts. Being compared is like an unspoken battle between two parties, and the only way to win is to be the best. Being good at something is great, but it seems nothing.

Let us say, you have a good readable handwriting, but then this other girl writes words as if they were masterpiece. Each line is a careful stroke, and the whole output is so beautifully crafted it can be hung on the wall. Your handwriting suddenly feels like the worst in the world. But this is just the first stage. The succeeding stages are worse.

Envy arises after you realized this other person is better than you are. Even if he stole the limelight on being the best on where you used to be good at, you suddenly want to be them. You want to be back at being good. Sadly, he will always be better; so you are stuck at being you, where the third stage comes after: you begin to hate yourself.

You start asking why you cannot be good at anything, even to the things that you love doing. You start losing grip to your self-worth. You feel as if you have no significance on this world except to be nothing.

Comparison hurts, but why does it still exist? It is not just because of the annoying alibi that comparison is a reason to be better. Sometimes, we wait to be compared with the hope that someday, it would be us who will be better than others.

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