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"Why would he wants to kill me? What did I do?" Jungkook asked.

Tae Rin was walking out of the room but stopped by Jin.

"Tae Rin you should stay-"

"I'm not gonna sit here and tell the story of my life. It's stuffy anyway staying the same room with you."

With that she get out of the room.

"Ok hyung you and your sister hmm, don't ever sick of arguing."

"She has always think differently than me. Anyway, I'm gonna tell you everything."

"Finally! I've been waiting for this. I can't live with so many riddles."

"So it started in Goryeo era.."

Tae Rin opened her eyes and found that she and her brother were tied up. Jimin was on her left. The Queen caresses his cheek."

"Your highness what is this?"

"Rin, this is for the best. I don't want to lose any of you."

"I don't understand. Wh-what is this?"

"Tae Rin, are you okay? Mom what's this?" His face was full of concerned, looking back and forth to both woman he dear the most.

Prince Hosoek, Prince Yoongi, Taerin, Taehyung, Seok Jin, and the only biological son of the Queen, Crown Prince Jimin was all tied up in a circle around the fire.

There was a mysterious woman in a black kimono and a black hat,not a hanbok, going around them. She was mumbling something with her eyes wide.

It was like a ritual.

"I don't want any of you dies. You will survive and only then I can go rest in peace."

"Mother, whatever you are doing, please stop. We fight the throne with war!"

"We are not strong enough!! You are not strong enough, son!"

Jimin widened his eyes in disbelief. As if his insecurities was not enough, he did not expect his mom thought that way about him too.

Suddenly all of them feel excruciating pain especially at the heart. Their bloods run down to the center. The circle form a symbol and in the circle form by all of them was fire. The fire suddenly became big. The mysterious shaman woman brought a bowl of blood and forced all of them to drink.

Tae Rin felt powerful within and she felt her vision became red. She was furious at the first place and was tryimg hard to use her magic. She focused on the fire and the fire became even larger than before.

The shaman and the Queen was confused. Tae Rin suddenly released herself, and with a fast speed she was in front of the shaman and she did not even know what she was doing her hands were doing some gesture and glare on the shaman. The shaman felt pain and dropped down with her eyes wide and dripping blood.

While the others released themself, Seok Jin and Taehyung looked at their sister in disbelief.

Tae Rin widened her eyes and turned to the Queen.

"What did you make me do????"

"I-I dunno I-I"

She felt her emotions heightened. Especially, she felt hungry. She can almost see the blood running in the Queens vein. She smirked and attacked the Queen's neck. She sucked her blood and ignored the wailing of her victim. She saw Jimin running towards them and shouted. Before Jimin get closer, she snapped the Queen's neck.


Tae Rin felt satisfied but when she realised what she had done, she gasped.

"What did I do?"


"She did this to me Jimin! She made me become a monster!"

Jimin hugged his mom's dead body close to himself.

After that, all of them were very blood thirsty, so they hunted any humans they saw and never came back to the palace because one they might be get the bloodthirst and two the might get executed.

There were still testing all the vampirism like cannot be exposed in the sun and later they knew how to make another one a vampire and saw how vampires can be killed.

But that was still not enough for Jimin. He wants to be the King.

"So..Taerin killed Jimin's mom?" Jumgkook said slowly.

It's a lot for him to absorb.

To hear someone took away another's life, without getting caught by the police or getting their punishment. But he realised that, this is not a normal person's life. It's the supernatural life.

"We sin equally Jungkook-ah, I've killed..people too. I'm just always trying to be the best of me. Not better than them."

Jungkook stared at the older man. He could not say anything. He wanted to say he understands him but the truth is he don't. He thought he might never will. If he did, it's like understanding the murderer who killed his parents.

Yes. He believed his parents was killed, not some accident.

"Taerin never feel happy except..when she fell in love with this kind young man. They understood each other well, like a soulmate. He is admired by everyone, including me. He's like another brother of mine."

Jungkook felt jealous hearing this, he was somehow hurt knowing Taerin's deepest secret, but to know someone before him had been there by her side, understood her well.

"Where is he now?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"He's in the better place. He fought till his last breath for Taerin. Jungkook, the truth is Taerin was looking for another siphoner-vampire that has the similar power with her. She is the first of her kind so her ability is so much bigger than others. A normal siphoner-vampire that are weaker than her cannot do it with her."

"But the man she loved can? What is it she need to do?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrow.

"To kill the Royalties. Kill one and all of us royalties as well will die. Only the siphoner-vampire that does the ritual will survive.

Jungkook thought to himself. Wait, but..Taerin is one of the royalties. So..

"Hyung! This is a suicide mission!"

"That's why we never agrees to her about this. JK refuse to do it too.


Jin pulled the first drawer and took out the photo frame.

"This is the moment when Taerin's happiness was taken away."

Jungkook take the photo and he was speechless. The guy look very much like him! He looked more matured even with the bright red hair that were probably the only difference between them. He was wearing white suits staring to Taerin that looked so beautiful in the white wedding dress.

"That was before he got killed before saying his vows. Before he could be Taerin's offically husband. That's..JK or Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook's eyes are widened. They shared the same real name?

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