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Taerin's POV

Don't leave me, Taerin-ah.

His words lingered in my mind.

Why does he care if I die? I mean we just met so why does it matter.

I know he's interested with me. I lived a thousand years, I know well the expression and body languages he made. But I don't think it is a big deal to him if I am gone forever. I have nothing holding on me here. I'm tired of living with no aim. Nothing to achieve. I don't have dreams and it is exhausting looking every other people aged and died.

No one understand this feeling.

But there's one question stays in my head.

Why does it pains my heart to see him being hurt?

I guess the long flights affected my brain. I came back to the reality, standing in front of a big mansion here, somewhere in Tokyo. A woman greeted me with questioning eyes.

"Konnichiwa. Tell your leader, Kim Taerin is here." I smirked, getting into my character.

After all, they always see me as cunning one like my twin brother. Yes, we are very similar.

I was let in the mansion. As I walk along the hallway, every little noise stopped. Imagine there were hundreds of people in the room but all stopped and glared at you. I looked around masking my nervousness walking as cool as possible and trying to look intimidating. Of course it won't work to the familiar faces, but for the newbies, they avoid immediately and hide behind the elderly.

Finally, I arrived to a large door, their leaders' door. The door opened magically and I walked in setting my eyes only on the one I came here for.

"Well well hello the queen of the coven."

"What do you want Taerin? How dare you come to this place where you know are not and never welcome here."

"I thought I do not need to explain to you? You can see the future, isn't it?"

She signaled others to leave except her right man.

I changed my attitude to serious mode now.

"He's back and you are trying to kill him again?"

I just glared at her confirming what she had said is true.

"Don't you feel a bit sorry, killing your own kind?"

"I am my own kind you know it well. If we didn't stop him, we will do the worst."

"I heard he had a witch to make him more inevitably powerful."

"I must take him down whatever it takes. This is for you witches own good too. And Jungkook. He was originally from this family so why can't you people at least show some support. Please, don't make history repeat itself."

"You must know Jungkook is different. That's why Sakura is there with him. She might not know it too, but we let her there to protect him. He is destined to kill Jimin, unlike JK."

"W-what do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"JK is similar to you. You both bring powerful energy, but very very dark. But Jungkook, he will be the great wizard, the positive one. The one that can bring the universe into one. You need him."

"So you mean this time it will work? How to unbind us? My brother and Jimin and his brothers?"

"It is possible. However, everything comes with a pay. Originally, only one survive. So, if you were to be unbind, one of the siphoner witch or wizard must die, along with Jimin.

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