(4) Rose

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"I pin pointed the Auton!" The Doctor says looking at the screen and I nod walking over.

"A pizza restaurant?" I ask looking at him and he shrugs and we begin pulling levers and pushing buttons before appearing in the London streets.

We walk into the restaurant and the Doctor grabs a bottle of Champaign and I grab glasses.

We then walk up to We're the auton is but Rose was sat with it, was she stupid?

We stand next to table and listen.

"But you can trust me, sweetheart. Babe, sugar, babe, sugar. You can tell me anything. Tell me about the Doctor and Y/n and what they're planning, and I can help you, Rose. Because that's all I really want to do, sweetheart, babe, babe, sugar, sweetheart." The auton says, how has she not noticed.

"What're you doing that for?" Rose asks.

"Your champagne." I Say.

"We didn't order any champagne. Where's the Doctor? And Y/n!" It spat.

"Madam, your champagne." The Doctor says.

"It's not ours. Mickey, what is it? What's wrong?" Rose says obvious.

"I need to find out how much you know, so where are they?" It says.

"Doesn't anybody want this champagne?" I Say.

"Look, we didn't order it." finally the auton looks up to see that the waiters are the Doctor and I.

"Ah. Gotcha." T says and I then take the champagne from The Doctor and start shaking the bottle vigorously.

"Don't mind me. I'm just toasting the happy couple. On the house!" I Say smirking and the Doctor smiles at me. I release the cage around the cork and it flies into the Autons forehead. After a few moments, it spits it out.

"Anyway." It says and gets up and turns his hand into a chopper. Rose flees, screaming, as The auton wrecks the table. The Doctor grabs the Auton and pull off its head. The rest of the customers scream.

"Don't think that's going to stop me." The body gets up and starts flailing around. Rose sets off the fire alarm.

"Everyone out! Out now! Get out! Get out! Get out!" She screams.Rose, the Doctor and I  run through the kitchens carrying the head, while the body wrecks the restaurant before following us to the back exit.

"Here take this" The Doctor says throwing the head to me, "ew Doctor!" I moan and he chuckles.

He then seals the exit shut while Rose runs down the alley, past the Tardis. To The end thats secured by padlocked gates.

"Open the gate! Use those tube things you both have! Come on!" Rose says and I roll my eyes.

"Sonic screwdriver." I Say dryly.

"Use it!" She screams

"Nah. Tell you what, let's go in here." The Doctor unlocks the Tardis and goes inside with me not far behind. while the Auton hammers on the metal door, making large dents.

I walk up to the control panel and place the head on there.

We hear Rose outside and I ignore it she'll come in at one point.

"It's going to follow us!" She screams running in.

"The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door, and believe me, they've tried. Now, shut up a minute." I Say

"You see, the arm was too simple, but the head's perfect." The Doctor says and i join in
"We can use it to trace the signal back to the original source." He says smirking.

"Right. Where do you want to start?" I Say.

"Er, the inside's bigger than the outside?" Rose says bringing our attention to her.

"Yes." I Say

"It's alien." She says

"Yeah." I says

"Are you two alien?" She asks.

"Yes. Is that all right?" The Doctor says.

"Yeah." Rose says.

"It's called the Tardis, this thing. T A R D I S. That's Time And Relative Dimension In Space." The Doctor says and I smile. Rose then bursts into tears.

"That's okay. Culture shock. Happens to the best of us." The Doctor says.

"Did they kill him? Mickey? Did they kill Mickey? Is he dead?" She cries.

"Oh. We didn't think of that." I Say looking at the Doctor.

"He's my boyfriend. You pulled off his head. They copied him and you didn't even think? And now you're just going to let him melt?" She says.

"Melt?" Me and the Doctor say in unison, we spin to see The plastic head is melting on the console, where it is attached by cables.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" The Doctor and I Say and we set the Tardis in motion.

"What're you two doing?" She says.

"Following the signal. It's fading." He says "Wait a minute, I've got it." I Say "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Almost there." He says "Almost there. Here we go!" I shout. The Tardis lands and the Doctor and I run for the door.

"You can't go out there. It's not safe." Rose yells as we exit

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