The Quest

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The priest thought long and hard and realized the only way for Mianite to reach his maximum spiritual level was by going to the origin. The origin was where Mianite first created the over world. It's the place of extreme peace and has the ability to send anyone into the spirit world. But, the origin was surrounded by many dangerous Woods and mountains. Only Mianite himself has every possessed the power of the origin. Not even his brother Dianite was able to reach it and he didn't even trust his wife because with all that power you could easily get greedy and corrupt. Mianite purposely created all the traps and dangerous animals to guard it, but now that he was mortal, he is now fighting his own creation. Mianite knew the way in and the code you had to have to enter. Before they departed Mianite asked the priest and followers to not go onto the origin. He knew man couldn't pass the ability of endless power and that worried him. Nevertheless the set out at daybreak. Mianite and the priest brought twenty more villagers including the doctor, ten soldiers, a couple farmers, a librarian, and a blacksmith. The origin was located at (0,0,0) and so the journey would take many weeks if not months to reach it. The first day of the trip was a bright and sunny day. There were animals everywhere and no one in the group argued. The waves were calm and the breeze was cool. Mianite and the group was very surprised because every sense Mianite lost his spiritual connection it's been dark and rainy. The priest told them it was because Mianite now had hope and something to live for. He was a positive as every and full if energy. The group took camp by a large tree where the found cocoa beans and made them into cookies. This was a great treat for everyone. After everyone was full and tired they went to bed but were woken up by screams! After they all got up and ready to fight they realized it was just Mianite with a bad dream. His scream was ear piercing and shook the ground. The soldiers were fixing to wake him up when the priest said," NO!" They were all surprised but the priest told them that whatever he was dreaming about he need to finish his dream. They sat and waited until morning came when Mianite finally awoke. He was babbling about Dianite and his wife and killing and betrayal! Everyone was so confused and so the priest asked if Mianite wanted to take a walk. The group however was very tired from staying awake all night so they went to sleep. The priest asked him what he was dreaming about and all Mianite could recall without shaking was him and Dianite fighting again and taking his ultimate revenge. This made the priest worried! Mianite is the god of good and peace, if he was to kill his brother it would show he isn't good and took revenge on his brothers false actions. It would make worshipers of Mianite around the world think evil is alright and forgiveness is overrated. The priest request for Mianite to meditate on that and see what is the right thing to do. It wasn't until midday they woke up and started their journey. They traveled at a faster speed than before and made good ground for such a short amount of time. They finally set camp by the ocean and decided tommorow they would make a boat and sail across. They decided the ocean would be a good food source so they started a fishing competition. The all had 30 minutes to catch as many fish as possible. In the end Mianite had caught 50 fish! This made the priest happy because it showed he was still in touch with nature and that there was a real chance to save the over world. They threw a huge dinner party and everyone was happy.That night though, the same thing happened to Mianite as what happened the night before. Mianite was turning and yelling about Dianite in his sleep. They were all just watching and didn't want to wake him up until the priest told them to wake him up because his notion before wasn't correct. So they woke him up half way and he was shaking frantically screaming," SHE BETRAYED ME!" Everyone was so confused with Mianite's obscure story and the doctor, who was really cranky and upset because he hadn't slept in 2 days, came to him with some sleeping powder and shoved it is his face. Mianite was out in a second and everyone was so relieved. In the morning the priest asked what he had seen and Mianite started shaking and responded,"Dianite.... an-and my wife........married....... and her....... wi-with a child!"

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