Dianite's Palace

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After the battle between gods Dianite had successfully defeated his brother and captured his love of his life. After the battle he tied her up is webs and took her to his palace on top of Death Dunsinane ( the tallest mountain in the world ). He knew Mianite would be back and so he fortified the whole palace with traps and all his minions were prepared for war. The minions made huge walls around the palace and even a dome that covered the sky in case of an air attack. Everyone was on edge in the kingdom, even Dianite. If anyone in the kingdom was knew of Mianite's power and force, it would be Dianite.

He knew of his brother's strong will and pursuit to get even when crossed. Dianite realized he only won because it was a surprise attack. If there had been any other circumstances Mianite would've won. This was Mianite's realm so he would gain power from the surrounding positive energy. Dianite wished he could have his own realm but wasn't nearly as powerful as his brother. Creating a realm in very difficult for even Mianite and so it's nearly impossible for Dianite. The over world was created by Mianite and the End was also created by Mianite for the goddess. Dianite needed a way to created his own realm but realized the only way is to trick his brother. He made a master plan for the whole thing, even the smallest of details were planned out exactly the way he wanted it to be. All he had to do now was wait.

He sat and waited for a week. He didn't let any of his minions sleep for Mianite could strike at anytime. Dianite was surprised his brother didn't show up yet and even the goddess was surprised. She said Mianite would come as soon as he could but began to give up hope. A month passed and so Dianite ruled Mianite to be dead and a celebration was thrown. The goddess refused to take part but Dianite had placed her in a cage and treated her as a pet. The guest would come up and yell and bang her cage as if they were watching a clown. They even places animals in an arena for her to fight against. She said she wouldn't fight and let the animals kill her so Dianite traded the animals to do everything but kill her. Dianite told her he would stop all this if she agreed to marry him but she stated her only live was Mianite. This made Dianite furious and so he locked her in a dungeon at the bottom of his kingdom so she would never see light again. She was beat everyday but began to get used to it after the first couple times.

Dianite was in power and could feel the shift from positive to negative energy in the world. He began to concur more and more land and publicly executed villagers. The goddess could also feel the shift and was sure Mianite had died. She was very saddened but realized the only way to save the world from going into complete chaos was to surrender herself to Dianite. She stated she would marry him if he would stop killing innocent villagers and stop concurring land. He agreed and they held the biggest wedding.

After the wedding a festival went on for two weeks and the whole empire had to attend. Everyone seemed to think the goddess actually loved Dianite. She put on a pretty good show because Dianite said if she didn't convince the people she was happy he would start killing more villagers. It killed her to do it but she put others ahead of herself. A couple months later the goddess tried to escape.

She was in Dianite's room and thought if she got him drunk enough she could leave without him even knowing. She convinced him to play a game of cards and whoever had the lowest card had to take a shot of spider eye soup.( a type of shot that would make you delirious and hard to stand up) She then rearrange the cards so that she would win the first couple times. Well after her winning three games he was so delirious it didn't matter if he got the highest card, she would tell him it was lower and he would believe her. After playing the game for about 20 minutes he was in a deep sleep and she knew this was her chance! She quickly grabbed the Dragon's Egg and got onto Dianite's fastest skeleton horse and road out of the palace.

She was about 1,000 blocks away when they found out she had escaped. They even thought she killed Dianite because he was in such a deep sleep his heart rate was super low. After hunting all night they found the horse by the edge of the kingdom by the End portal abandoned! The minions knew exactly where she was going and so 500 of them entered the End. They found her and the dragon there! She had spawned the dragon back killed them all. She seemed invincible except she couldn't leave the End like she could before with the help of Mianite. She was so close to freedom but had really trapped herself in there because the only way out was to kill the dragon and that was something no one, not even Mianite, could convince her to do.

When Dianite awoke and heard the news he was furious of her trickery and entered The End. He saw her on the dragon and told her to come down or else. She told him she would never be his wife and that was the end of it. For the empire the story was told that Dianite killed the dragon and the goddess. But what really happened was he killed the dragon and stripped her of her spiritual body leaving her in her weak mortal body. He then trapped her in a bed rock cage deep underground from his palace that only he could find. For the goddess the beatings felt twice as worse and she was humiliated even more than before. Most of all, she had lost all her hope.

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