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Bambi pov.

"Whose a cute lil baby yes you are, yes you are." Kim said in a baby voice while placing Nickieshas feet on her nose which made her laugh the cutest lil laugh ever.

Ever since Nickiesha was born Zack has turned into Cody. But I guess it's cool. But super boring.

"Naaaaaaaaaaaaajebenaaaaaaaaaa!" Colette walked in screaming.

"Chick!" I yelled. "Shut up before I hurt you!"

"Wow that is so rude of you I can't." Colette said placing a hand infront of her face.

"Girl whatever have you seen Tiana?" I asked.

"Nop." Colette said while shaking her head as her ice blue hair with a shocking pink highlight hits her face.

That girl, something is up I can feel it.

"C." I call out to Colette.


"Does Tiana seem abit off to you?" I ask.

"No she seems like Tiana." She said smiling.

I face palmed and shook my head. "Colette you are another case." I said shaking my head.

"Am not!" She protested like a baby.

Just then Tiana walked past me wearing the most sluttiest outfit, she wore a tight black dress that could pass for a top. Tiana narrowed her eyes as soon as she saw me looking at her.

"Aren't you gonna greet?" I asked looking at Tiana.

"What are you my mother?" Tiana scoffed out.

She's your sister, she's your sister, she's your sister! You can't kill her!

I took a deep breathe in and exhaled. "T, what are you wearing?" I finally asked because this is seriously bothering me.

"Clothes." She said simply shrugging her shoulders and applying blood red lipstick.

Ok maybe I can hurt her.

"Woah T babe." Ian said walking in with Bryce.

"I love the new look Tiana." Bryce said half gwaking at my new slutty sister.

"Hey uh Bryce." Caroline called out.

"Hmmm?" Bryce hummed.

"You got alil drool right there." Cally said pointing at Bryce's chin.

"Not cool bro." Ian said shoving Bryce onto a couch. "You." Ian said pointing at Tiana. "Go put on some clothes!" Ian ordered Tiana.

Tiana looked at Ian as if he was a rat telling a tiger to jump. Tiana walked to the closet where we keep our jackets and pulled out an over-sized jean jacket. The jacket almost looked like it was wearing her.

"Don't wait up." She said blowing a kiss as she walked out of the door leaving us all standing there with our jaws to the ground.

"Someone needs to put a shoe up that girls ass." Caroline said with my precious jewel sitting on her right hip.

"Whose what and where now?" Zack asked walking in the living room.

Zack pecked my cheek before taking Nickiesha from Caroline and playing with her. Awww his such a sweet dad.

I'm gonna get to the bottem of Tiana and why the strange mood swings.

"Dude you are one lucky man." Bryce said in a transe while still staring at the door.


Tiana pov.

I hate being a bitch to my sister's and everyone else. But I have no choice I wanna make the world a better place. You gotta be cruel to be kind... right?

"Woah Tiana sweet outfit." Nathan wolf whistled.

"Mmm thanks." I said with sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"What we doing today?" I asked ready for what this prick has in store for me.

"I'm introducing you to some people." Nathan said pulling me by my hand.

"Great." I said sarcastically.

Nathan pulled me into a huge room. There sat four guys at a round table. Jesus Christ these guys are smexy.  You have a boyfriend Tiana! And some girls sat in the couch in the corner. Along with Chace next to them.

"Everybody! This here is Tiana!" Nathan yelled.

The room went quite. I felt uncomfortable with the stares I was getting.

"Dude we don't need to know what your hookers name is we just need to know how long she can go for." A guy with bleach blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes said.

Hooker? Yeah he gotta go.

I looked at Nathan with a what the actual unicorn poop look.

"I'm not a hooker." I growled out.

"Really then why you dressed like that?" A girl with shoulder length  raven black hair and blue eyes asked as she raised her one brow.

"Because we need her for a mission." Nathan said smirking down at me.

Even with these damn heels on, the prick is still taller than me! 

"You kidding right? You letting Barbie join our gang!?" A girl with white hair and grey eyes asked standing up and walking closer to me. I watched her every move as she inspected.

"Hahaha funny really hehehe Barbie haha." I fake laughed and then lunged myself at her but Nathan held me back.

She is so lucky!

"Nisha, back off she can help us." Nathan said to the White haired girl.

"Sorry about her she's not really a people's person." A really hyper strawberry blonde but could be mistaken for a red head with green eyes came into view. "I'm Amber by the way and that's Vicky." Amber said pointing to the girl with raven hair. "Carlos and Matt." She said pointing to the guys that look exactly alike except one has a cute lil spot on his cheek bone. "Their twins." She giggled out.

No shit Sherlock.

"And that's Brandon." She said pointing to the bleach blonde boy. "And last but not least Alvin." She said pointing to a guy with copper curly hair and hazel-nut Brown eyes.

"Thank you Amber for that intro." The Vicky chick said sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

She nodded her head as she rocked back and forth on her heels and toes.

Her and Colette will be best friends.

"What's my mission?" I asked Nathan when I saw him on his phone.

"You gonna distract Bobby Billionaire." He said mindlessy typing away on his cell phone.

Oh how clichè.

"Seriously!" I said in a high pitched voice before sighing out frustrated.


Woooo drama.... well not really but yaaaassss baby girl!

Hey guys mythicalbadcreature here sorry for such a long wait but it's here now and I will be posting two updates at the same time!

Sorry is that message on top did not make sense I got bit by spider so I took something for the swelling. I don't need to bore you with my life story..

Any Who

Stay awesome

Love unicorns.

Creature out✌

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