Revenge is a dish best served with a chainsaw part 1.

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Bambi pov.

"Morning y'all." I said with a slight yawn as I scratched my belly and opened the fridge.

"And here we have the sacred Bambi, she is very rare and dangerous. We now watch as she hunts down her meal. Careful folks a Bambi can eat up to 10 times a day." Ethan said like he was a narrator for animal planet.

The room erupted in laughs.

"Ethan I will kill you." I groaned out as I stuffed my face with coco puffs.

I am too tired to even hurt the dude. Nickiesha kept us up the whole night and Zack refused to knock her out with one of his special powers. Like why, why?! I need sleep.

"Mmmawwww Bambi restless night?" Cally asked with her lips stuck out as she gave me a side hug, squeezing the life outta me.

"Yeah. And not the good kind." I sighed out as I rest my head on my arms.

"Where's kiki now?" Kim asked sipping on her cup of coffee.

Sweet Channing Tatum how I need that!

"With Colette." I answered lazily.

"And you trust the baby with her?" Bryce asked his head to the side and his thick eyebrow rose up questioning me on my actions.

God I am not in the mood to be answered right now. If someone asks me one more thing I'm gonna lose it.

"Hey Bam would you like chocolate chip or blue berry pancakes?" Caroline asked.

That's it!

"Holy butter on shit toast can't you people see that I am not in the state right now to be messed with? I mean how stupid can you door knobs be!? I am so freaking tired, and yes Bryce I trust my sister with the baby you know why? Because she's my fucking sister!" Yelled my chest moving up and down. My eyes widened once I realised I left my baby with Colette. "And one of you idiots please go and check on them!" I yelled. Everyone's eyes were on me they stared at me wide eyed as Ethan made his way out of the kitchen.

"So Bam blue berry or choco....." Caroline started but stopped when I yelled once again.

"Chocolate chip!"

"Well.... alright then." Caroline said placing her hand on her chest as she started on the pancake.

Today is gonna be one long ass day.


Zack pov.

"Can this day be over?" Cody groaned annoyed and he leaned back on his chair and rubbed his face.

"Well, well, well look who decided to pay me a visit so nice of you." Death said in a sickenly sweet voice.

"What's going on death there's been complaints about you taking advantage of your power?" I asked smirking.

"Those lil rodents need to know whose boss." He shrugged.

"Are you forgetting that we gave you this privilege? We can easily take it back and you can go back to your day job stalking people as you wait for them to do something stupid." Cody barked.

"Cody you to uptight, relax be more like your brother." Death said calmly.

Cody glanced at me as I shot him a sly smirk he then shifted his gaze into death who was sitting calmly waiting for a response.

"You gotta forgive him it's been 4 hours since he saw Colette." I chuckled as I shook his shoulders.

"Ohhhh I see lil miss smurf hair." Death said amused.

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